Hi. Overall, my game works just fine in pve and pvp. But recently, in large pvp battles, my game freezes. Then when I try to log back in with my character I get a very long loading screen which eventually disconnects. Then it says, "Unable to connect to the internet, please check you internet..." However, I am able to connect just fine to yahoo or google or social networking sites. Eventually, I do get back into the game, but as soon as I get near the large battle again...I freeze again...and the whole process repeats itself.
I have submitted a ticket along with my Game Consultant. I hope that ESO support can help me out in someway, but perhaps others have some ideas. My computer is a few years old and I have replaced the video driver once. This is what I run:
i7-2600 CPU
8.00 GB RAM
64-bit Windows 7 Ultimate
GeForce GTX 750
1680x1050, 60Hz
Driver Version 368.22 (just came out on 5/23)
I live in Japan...did a Fast.com test...and was around 31 Mbps in Cryodiil. Currently in the process of upgrading to 1G (1000 Mbps) soon...hoping that will help. Hate to buy new rig for another year. Anyways...any help is appreciated.
Okay this time when I crashed...Fast.com test was 9 Mbps but latency said about 2600. But sometimes I have crashed and latency says 275.
Edited by maxjapank on May 25, 2016 1:04PM