I just wanted to briefly outline the Solo Mag Sorc build I have been running lately. I do not claim to be as good as Thelon so if you're looking for the most masterful solo Sorc build, look to his. Personally, I find his build too resource hungry and intense for me. Yes, it does more dps, but in general I enjoy this build more if for no other reason than it is a departure from the usual force pulse + cfrag / overload rotation. So, with that out of the way, here's the build:
2pc Valkyn Skoria
5pc Julianos
3pc Willpower
Maelstrom Lightning Staff (I'm currently just using a Vicious Death until I get this)
Maelstrom Fire Staff (if you don't have Mael, the build still works, just slightly less dps)
Bar 1: Lightning Staff
Lightning Flood (imo, the increased radius is worth the shorter duration, and the 6 seconds works fine in the build rotation)
Hardened Ward (after DB, probably Empowered Ward)
Unstable Clannfear
Inner Light
Bound Aegis
Ult: Shooting Star
Bar 2: Fire Staff
Blockade of Fire
Proximity Detonation
Unstable Clannfear
Bound Aegis
Ult: Overload
Endless Fury
Hardened Ward
Unstable Clannfear
Inner Light
Bound Aegis
Send Clannfear in to attack
(front bar) Apply Hardened Ward
(back bar) Proxy Det
Charge Heavy attack to hit just after Clannfear draws agro
Blockade of Fire
(front bar) Lightning Flood
2 Lightning Heavy attacks (or Hardened Ward if Clannfear's shield is down)
Repeat from Blockade of Fire
Repeat from Degeneration
Drop Shooting Star when it's up
Switch to Overload for Endless Fury execute if you want, or just keep the rotation up
Keep an eye on the Clannfear's incoming damage numbers. They will be (GREEN) when his shield is up and turn RED when his shield is down. As soon as you see red coming off the Clannfear, hit Hardened Ward. This assures less recasting and getting all the agro on you. I also turn on Friendly NPC health bars so I can always see what my Clannfear's health looks like. It's worth having FTC and S'renndar too to keep good track of all the dots and your shields.
Notice that practically every single attack: Lightning Heavy Attack, Lightning Flood, Blockade of Fire, Degeneration, Shooting Star are all DOTs. They ALL proc Skoria. The build does work without Skoria if you sub in another 2 or 3 piece, but it's really made for Skoria, which will proc quite often.
Here are my stats on front and back bar and 5 parses from running Blessed Crucible solo, the 2nd parse is just a trash pull, but shows the potential damage on lots of enemies. DPS is pretty low on bosses but that's ok, the focus of this build is more on survivability. (I believe "shock" in the parses is the extra damage from the Maelstrom Destro enchant effect.) In the first parse, I switched out Proxy Det for Shattering Prison to keep the melee bosses off of me.
So that's pretty much it. It's niche. Usual dps is around 15k single target, but hey. You hardly ever get agro, or run low on resources, and can get through really tough content just by being patient and keeping everything up. The only really big wall I've hit has been scenarios where the boss heals a lot, so you can't out-dps his heals, or there are other group-specific mechanics to the fight that make it very difficult for a solo char to manage. But assuming you can just spank the boss and whatever adds come your way, this build is very solid. The best place for this build will be soloing dungeons, and Craglorn stuff. I would not recommend it for PVP or running with a group, but if you like soloing as a Sorc, give this build a try. You might like it!
EDIT: After considering Waffenacht's input, I changed out Daedric Prey for Proximity Detonation. This seems to be more effective on most trash pulls, though won't make a huge difference in 1v1 boss fights. I've added stat and parse pics as well.