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General Crashing issues compounded by Xbox Elite Console

My wife and I both play ESOTU on Xbox One. She has a standard console and I have the Elite version with the hybrid solid state drive. Ever since Orsinium/Wrothgar we have both experienced a lot of crashing in the city of Orsinium as have many others based on other posts in this forum. This is still a problem today and as an added bonus lately we have both had tremendous issues around the Undaunted Enclave in Grahtwood as well. It is a problem on the standard Xbox, however on the Elite version it is almost unplayable to the point I have to have my wife log out and I use her standard Xbox One to handle in business inside Orisinium City and to take or turn in any Pledges from the Enclave. She still has occasional crashing, but on my Xbox Elite it is a guaranteed crash if I try to access the Undaunted Enclave normally.

I have through experimentation found that if I crawl up the long root from the water and then walk backwards in first person view completely looking away from both the enclave or the giant grahtoak tree, I can sometimes avoid the crash until someone gets in my camera. Orisinum can be traversed sometimes on foot at walk speed but only when there are no others around. Last night I was doing fine in Orisinium and then someone came out of the pub and another rode by on a horse and poof, instant crash. In both of these circumstances, repeated loads and attempts to move out of the affected area most often results in crashes within 2-5 seconds. Last night I had 6 straight crashes before I finally gave up and used my wife's console.

It appears to be somewhat related to texture loading/swapping in high volume areas both in terms of players and/or large environment features of the Graht Oak and Orisinium Buildings. I have only experienced these issues in those two locations but it's so reproducible it's not even funny at this point. Considering the issue is more prevalent on the Elite console than the normal, my guess is it has something to do with the faster harddrive. Perhaps it's loading too fast for the processor trying to process the geometries, but hopefully some of this will lead the QA/Test team down the right path to figuring it out. I do know that on dungeon loads and any other transitions, my console is significantly faster at zoning in than my wife's standard machine. It's usually a plus having it, but not when I have to use another machine to handle my pledges or Orisinium crafting writs. Please help.

Are any other Elite console users experiencing any of these issues as well?
  • Balibe
    I also have the Elite but don't have those issue. I do go to Orsinium daily for Writs and do get the occasional kick out, but it is not constant. I have not visited the Undaunted Enclave since I got the Elite, if I have time later tonight I will go and see if I get any issues.

    Have to tried deleting your console data? Are you on WiFi or Cat5? The game needs Cat5. Issues sound similar to internet issues, but the standard is okay. I assume the standard and elite are connecting on different connections. Have you tested the network connections both consoles to see of they are the same? If you are on Cat5, have you checked the cable. You could also try to move the elite to the standard location to see if the issue goes away or follows.

    There is a rare chance you are having read/write issues on the elite. Not sure how to check that.

  • Zyrathius
    The elite is hardwired to the router, but had the same issues while using WiFi. The standard one is actually on WiFi oddly enough which is why I hesitate to call it connection. I suppose it could still be that. The read/write issue is interesting, although have had zero problems in other games, not sure that the others would be as taxing as this one in a highly populated area where a large amount of textures are being loaded in at the same time. At any rate, whatever is causing it, it's very frustrating. Thanks for your post.
  • Balibe
    I was fine in the Wayrest Undaunted Enclave last night with around 10-15 characters around, no issues at all .....

    MMO's more complex than typical online FPS games and are very taxing on data. Just the armor type, color & weapon choices that every character can have needs to be downloaded to you. So in an area with 30+ characters where each person has different type and color of armor that needs to be sync'd with your data .....

    I started this game with a standard and upgraded to the elite when released. I see a noticeable difference with the elite when walking into a crowded bank. The characters load a lot quicker with the elite than the standard .....

    Have you done a test network connection yet to see if the statistics are the same as the standard?

    With the read/write concern, if you have access to or could borrow a USB 3.0 SSD that you could attach it to the console. Transfer the game to it and see if the issues persist.

    When you figure it out post back ..... I am very curious to see what the issue turns out to be .....

    Edited by Balibe on May 21, 2016 12:32AM
  • Zyrathius
    Interesting, yeah I will dig out my external drive. I had actually purchased a USB 3.0 to use originally and then ended up buying the elite console and so have not actually used it.

    I too notice the elite is faster and normally great to have. Even in ESO it's faster on loading zones than my wife's and with the exception of Grahtwood and Orisinium. I have zero problems with it anywhere else, which is why it's been so baffling to me.

    I'll try to test both consoles network connections and verify the elite stats are on par or better. I'll also try to dig out the USB and test it on that. That might take longer though, as I haven't unpacked it from the move a while back. LOL.

    Appreciate the response and will post more later. Thanks again.
  • HonourXL
    i dont have elit but i got same problems specially undaunted place and wrothgar my 2 char stuck at wrothgar. for 2 days now. i got tired after trying 10 times each. i send ticket aswell they dont even respond to that. it is really obvious to having ESO plus is frustrating. we pay to cant login. Big congratz to ZOS to make this happen. thank you.
    XBOX- EU
    Honour XL aka Kaiser Mehmed
    DC - STAM NB
    DC - MAG DK
    DC- MAG NB
  • GiveMeeFace
    Zyrathius wrote: »
    My wife and I both play ESOTU on Xbox One. She has a standard console and I have the Elite version with the hybrid solid state drive. Ever since Orsinium/Wrothgar we have both experienced a lot of crashing in the city of Orsinium as have many others based on other posts in this forum. This is still a problem today and as an added bonus lately we have both had tremendous issues around the Undaunted Enclave in Grahtwood as well. It is a problem on the standard Xbox, however on the Elite version it is almost unplayable to the point I have to have my wife log out and I use her standard Xbox One to handle in business inside Orisinium City and to take or turn in any Pledges from the Enclave. She still has occasional crashing, but on my Xbox Elite it is a guaranteed crash if I try to access the Undaunted Enclave normally.

    I have through experimentation found that if I crawl up the long root from the water and then walk backwards in first person view completely looking away from both the enclave or the giant grahtoak tree, I can sometimes avoid the crash until someone gets in my camera. Orisinum can be traversed sometimes on foot at walk speed but only when there are no others around. Last night I was doing fine in Orisinium and then someone came out of the pub and another rode by on a horse and poof, instant crash. In both of these circumstances, repeated loads and attempts to move out of the affected area most often results in crashes within 2-5 seconds. Last night I had 6 straight crashes before I finally gave up and used my wife's console.

    It appears to be somewhat related to texture loading/swapping in high volume areas both in terms of players and/or large environment features of the Graht Oak and Orisinium Buildings. I have only experienced these issues in those two locations but it's so reproducible it's not even funny at this point. Considering the issue is more prevalent on the Elite console than the normal, my guess is it has something to do with the faster harddrive. Perhaps it's loading too fast for the processor trying to process the geometries, but hopefully some of this will lead the QA/Test team down the right path to figuring it out. I do know that on dungeon loads and any other transitions, my console is significantly faster at zoning in than my wife's standard machine. It's usually a plus having it, but not when I have to use another machine to handle my pledges or Orisinium crafting writs. Please help.

    Are any other Elite console users experiencing any of these issues as well?

    Yes I have the Elite and I have the same issue, I can't even set foot in orisinium south of the writ turn in spot, in fact I have to take the northern way shrine and run into town just to turn them in. I've tried on many of my toons. It is so bad if I do get inside the city that I have to submit a ticket asking them to put me into a different zone. Because I can't load in to my toons. I really wish I could do "The Hero of Wrothgar" avhiev. also. I did not buy the DLC, I have eso plus if that matters to find this bug.
  • Jazbay_Grape
    I don't have the Elite, but I have had these same issues since the TG update. Prior to that, everything was fine with Orsinium. Now, I avoid that place at all costs. This has been brought up countless times, but I've yet to see anything that even provides a vague notion that this will be looked into, let alone that it will ever be fixed.
  • Zyrathius
    I also just have ESO plus GiveMeeFace. My wife who has very few issues inside Orsinium has the DLC purchased though. Interesting. I know occasionally I've lost the ability to go into any DLC content at all because ESO Plus could not be verified due to server issues. I'd have to log completely out and keep reloading until it was finally able to see it. Wonder if it has anything to do with that?

    Timing wise, my issues did not start actually until around one of the incremental patches of Orsinium. I had no problems at first and managed to completely clear Orsinium and get Hero of Wrothgar on my main character before all of the problems started. To me that's even more strange because while I was able to clear and adventure inside the walls, there were actually way more people running around.

    Thankfully, I can still play Orsinium DLC on my Alts as long as I stay out of the city and only go to the Hostel for the daily boss quest. I can't turn in my writs though, so have just stopped doing them. The entire zone is fair game so long as I don't go inside those cursed walls. haha.
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