I like pretty much every zone, all for different reasons. Oh, and if you like KR, you would also like Stros Makai (sp?), similar feel, great characters. Although, that can be said about every zone.
If you liked Khenarthi's Roost, then yes, Reaper's March should be right up your street. Reaper's March straddles the border between Valenwood and Elsweyr, so you get one region of the zone that is the northern edge of the Valenwood forest, and two regions that are part of the Elsweyr grasslands. What's more, Reaper's March has one of the best storylines in the game, in my opinion.BlitzGirl41 wrote: »I did start a Redguard once just to see that place, and I did like the desert setting. Just didn't beat all of the quests there since I've been fickle with my toons and getting sidetracked by other games and work and such... It's too bad that Elsewyr proper is not accessible (yet, I hope!), because whenever I've heard about it from the other TES games, I felt a great desire to want to explore it. Pretty much like the Khajit places best. Heard Reaper's March, a level 40-ish zone, is the closest we can get to Elsewyr?
If you liked Khenarthi's Roost, then yes, Reaper's March should be right up your street. Reaper's March straddles the border between Valenwood and Elsweyr, so you get one region of the zone that is the northern edge of the Valenwood forest, and two regions that are part of the Elsweyr grasslands. What's more, Reaper's March has one of the best storylines in the game, in my opinion.
I like pretty much every zone, all for different reasons. Oh, and if you like KR, you would also like Stros Makai (sp?), similar feel, great characters. Although, that can be said about every zone.
BlitzGirl41 wrote: »Honestly, it seals the deal for me to roll as a Khajit; I find myself being not nearly as interested in the other races anyway. What I really love about KR is the environment itself - it is a tropical island, with beautiful areas. I also love the fact that it is named after the Khajit goddess of wind. Now, the Khajit may view their gods as cats (they are basically cat versions of the deities of the religion practiced by the other races), but naming the island a "roost" just conjures up an image of Khenarthi being a bird of sorts in my mind. I really do find an interest in wind/sky deities in fiction, having created a few myself in the stories of mine that have a polytheistic religion/mythology. Also like how the temples on the island are dedicated to the moons, another theme that I tend to be interested in in fictional religions.
But, in the end, Khenarthi's Roost is very pretty and is an idyllic location to start the game in. I haven't gotten far in the game (my highest level character was about level 12-14), so I haven't seen much of the world, but so far KR is my favorite.
What do the rest of you think about KR? And if you don't think much about that location, then I would love to hear what your favorite zone in the game is.