Korah_Eaglecry wrote: »The excuse of "consoles need to be verified" and its easier to patch with the Updates is just BS. The game is suffering from far too many bugs at this point for the status quo of waiting every 3 months TO DO YOUR JOBs is not acceptable anymore. Theres numerous questlines that are no longer able to be completed (Fighters Guild in Eastmarch) that have gone ignored. The long list of bugs are being added to every three months and very little is actually getting fixed, and is almost always replaced with a new or even old bug that was thought to be squashed.
You know what would help you guys get a handle on these issues? Regular patches that tackle the problem week to week. Heck even bi-weekly patches would be a major step up from what we see now.
Roehamad_Ali wrote: »I know it's painful waiting for fixes . They're are not just feeding you a lime though about the wait for consoles . There is in fact a verifying agency they have to report to for quality control first . Only console players have this safety belt and it has a purpose to protect the integrity of those consoles operating systems .
notimetocare wrote: »
Quit the game if you don't want to wait. MMOs rarely release constant patches.
Consoles HAVE to wait to get patches because of console companies. Its not a lie, not a scam, not laziness. It is mandated time that needs to be spent checking the patch content.
But being very serious, if this is an issue you should do yourself a favor and quit. No game is worth stress if you cannot cope with what has to be done.
Korah_Eaglecry wrote: »
Im more than aware of the verifying process. Doesnt change the fact that other companies can get patches out to the games at a far more consistent pace.
Thanks for your ever so insightful and intelligent advice. I mean, apparently stating that their routine of waiting for forever to roll out fixes means that my only option is to quit. /sarcasm.
Roehamad_Ali wrote: »
What other companies ? There's very few MMO's on console really . DC universe ? The Division ? Most people left the Division already .
Between the content verification and the fact that they need to find the cause and create the fix for each bug is enough to slow the process down. I use to work for signal studios (freaking hated it) on the hand of kul project on 360. We had to constantly fight with Microsoft to get the patches approved and if a bigger name such as activation was releasing CoD we could forget about it. PC is much more simplistic seeing how there is no middle man to go through. If you are on console and do not wish to wait i recommend getting a PC and playing on that, if not then just wait for pc to test the fixes and hope they get implemented in a timely fashion.
Sadly most think that it is an easy process and that developers can just throw patches out quickly but in truth it is not. They are unrealistic standards put by those who have little to no knowledge on how a game works behind the pretty graphics.