"You can now purchase Runeboxes from the Tel Var General Merchants in Imperial City in exchange for a substantial number of Tel Var Stones.
Runeboxes are special containers. Each one has a specific Collectible inside; the three introduced in this update have the Xivkyn Polymorphs that were previously only obtainable through rare drops in other Tel Var-purchased containers.
Unlike the Collectibles themselves (or most other containers), Runeboxes can be traded, mailed, or sold on Guild Stores.
Opening a Runebox will bind it to your account; however, you can only open a Runebox if you do not already own the Collectible contained inside."
I would like to ask ZOS if (and when) Soul Shriven skin will become available for purchase. I have been grinding Molag Bal in the sewer for months but never got it. Would be great if this can also become purchasable (with large amount of TV stones of course)
Thanks - any comments appreciated