RDMyers65b14_ESO wrote: »If I read the Q&A from Pax East right, there is a solution coming with the DB patch. It said there would be the non vet campaign, the no CP campaign and the CP campaign. As I don't see the removal of Trueflame as a possibility, that means that Haderus will be gone. (I like Haderus myself). It would mean that neither AD nor EP would be able to avoid the other faction. I put the link to the Q&A below. It is question 49.
RDMyers65b14_ESO wrote: »If I read the Q&A from Pax East right, there is a solution coming with the DB patch. It said there would be the non vet campaign, the no CP campaign and the CP campaign. As I don't see the removal of Trueflame as a possibility, that means that Haderus will be gone. (I like Haderus myself). It would mean that neither AD nor EP would be able to avoid the other faction. I put the link to the Q&A below. It is question 49.
God_flakes wrote: »There is absolutely NO incentive to even attempt a campaign where one faction has totally dominated the map and has all the buffs. This is why zos ends up with totally empty and abandoned campaigns and totally clogged and lagged campaigns. You'd think by now they would realize this and address the issue rather than continue to sweep it under the rug. They're always preaching at us to spread out but make it absolutely unenjoyable and nearly impossible to do so.
Sunburnt_Penguin wrote: »Completely agree.
Another issue I have is the Alliance buffs due to having Emp. What happens on my Campaign is that the good players from the other Alliance switch to help their friend which can't be prevented, however you also get players coming from other Campaigns to bask in the buffs.
Granted, the latter group of players are mostly trash but the sheer numbers of them coupled with the Emp and the other Alliance's good players switching just makes it much harder to decrown.