For PVP, prioritizing maximum damage (Max Stam + Weapon Damage) over Stamina regen and Crit.
Not gank focused, so "Stealthy" passive is not a must-have.
Plenty of viable options for Race, I'm just looking for the ideal choice. Our logical options for stamina: Imperial, Redguard, Woodelf, Khajiit, Orc.
Right now I'm leaning heavily toward Imperial or Redgaurd (12% Health- Imperial, 9% Stamina Recovery- Redguard), but if anyone can make a strong case for a different choice, I'm all ears. I'm having a really have time choosing.

BONUS question: Opinions about class choice? I main a Stamina NB, so I'm most familiar with that class. Cloak would be an obvious advantage for an Archer, but like I said, it's not meant to be a gank-only build, so other classes could potentially work just fine.