Is Cyrodil just broken?

Hello I am on the Xbox one NA server. I am not using wireless as I have my Xbox one hard wired directly into the Internet. I've tested my internet and im getting 80mbs downloading speed and 12mbs upload speed and I have a ping of 9ms. So this begs the question, why am I constantly lagging out when a fight gets more than like 20 people in Cyrodil. I went to test it out for the first time since the thieves guild release and it's still as bad as it was. What is going on here and is there anything I can do to improve it?
  • Warraxx
    "Is Cyrodil just broken?"

  • Triipzzz
    Maybe you should re-word you question to "will they ever be able to fix lag?" There's nothing wrong with your internet, Its Eso. Try and play in a less crowded campaign if you want to ease some frustration.
  • RogueShade
    It's not just Cyrodil, the pve areas are extremely laggy too.
  • Vaoh
    Hello I am on the Xbox one NA server. I am not using wireless as I have my Xbox one hard wired directly into the Internet. I've tested my internet and im getting 80mbs downloading speed and 12mbs upload speed and I have a ping of 9ms. So this begs the question, why am I constantly lagging out when a fight gets more than like 20 people in Cyrodil. I went to test it out for the first time since the thieves guild release and it's still as bad as it was. What is going on here and is there anything I can do to improve it?

    It's an age old issue with ESO. It is not you, it's the entire PvP campaign. There is currently a massive issue with lag in PvP, and it will not being going away anytime soon. I recommend switching campaigns until you find one with no lag but also a decent population.
  • olsborg
    Cyrodiil is broken yes. Its too much lagg almost the entire day except from very early morning, after that it starts lagging and people clusters up and makes zergs.

    PC EU
    PvP only
  • brandonv516
    Try imperial city pvp. Even in Haderus not too bad
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