New(wish) player - been playing for a couple of months mainly working through the solo content - currently finishing Cadwell's silver and hunting lore books but looking to move in to the group content soon
Can I get an invite to the main guild please - Gamertag MrFr0sty
Can I also get some more info on the Trading Guild please - are there any requirements for this such as weekly fees, amount to trade etc?
I’d like an invite to the main and PvP guilds please if your still recruiting. (Been looking for a guild since I came back from a long break to run pledges, trials and pvp with)
GT: Shadow Akula 96
Need a trials guild, would apprecite an invite! Can run heals/mag sorc dps. Cheers.
Gt: AtrophyFX
"Now you. You can call me Ann Marie. But only if you're partial to being flayed alive and having an angry immortal skip rope with your entrails. If not... Then call me Sheogorath, Daedric Prince of Madness. Charmed." - Ann Marie
Can you invite me please. Looking for regular vet trials.Have completed them all apart from vmol, although know mechanics. I run vma and vdsa as well as vet trials on multiple characters. CP 690. My GT is robisok74
Just looking for regular vet trials with like minded people.