Uriel_Nocturne wrote: »I would like some insight on this as well...
I have over 100 Tempering Alloy for Blacksmithing.
I have close to 100 Rosin for Woodworking.
Since all of my characters run Light Armor (I think Light Armor looks the absolute best in every Motif I've seen), I'm running very short on Dreugh Wax.
Any way to get more (reliably) without having to file for bankruptcy would be very much appreciated. lol
Uriel_Nocturne wrote: »I would like some insight on this as well...
I have over 100 Tempering Alloy for Blacksmithing.
I have close to 100 Rosin for Woodworking.
Since all of my characters run Light Armor (I think Light Armor looks the absolute best in every Motif I've seen), I'm running very short on Dreugh Wax.
Any way to get more (reliably) without having to file for bankruptcy would be very much appreciated. lol
This.Old Orsinium, kill the harpies, bears and Echateres and you'll get lots of leather scraps.
Old Orsinium, kill the harpies, bears and Echateres and you'll get lots of leather scraps.
I'm seriously considering it... lmaoUriel_Nocturne wrote: »[Sell your Alloy, buy Wax?
Any good spots? (names pls)
That's my worry...
Problem is, as soon as someone posts a "good spot" on the forums, they very quickly become over-farmed bad spots.
I really only need the Tempering Alloy for my Templar's weapons. All of my characters are Magicka builds, so I nothing in Stamina on any of them. So Heavy Armor improving/worsening does nothing for me, but I can see where you'd be in a pinch for Tempering Alloys.
I have been tempted to do this, but I get the feeling that heavy armor is going to get decent, to the point that I will need the Alloy to improve armor for myself...
I already do writs every day (only on one character though) but I need more and faster (possibly before DB gets released)
I need a total of 112 Wax to complete 2 more sets...
Problem is, as soon as someone posts a "good spot" on the forums, they very quickly become over-farmed bad spots.
I will tell you all the spots to get lots of mats. Ready?SpoilerAny Silver or Gold Zone, especially the next to last Gold Zone. They are empty of players, most are jetting through that content if not skipping it entirely. I can farm for hours and never see another player. All the nodes are there for the taking.
Can you find V16 material? If I have to farm, I'd rather farm V16 stuff and get Wax on top of it than just having to sell away all the material
Uriel_Nocturne wrote: »I would like some insight on this as well...
I have over 100 Tempering Alloy for Blacksmithing.
I have close to 100 Rosin for Woodworking.
Since all of my characters run Light Armor (I think Light Armor looks the absolute best in every Motif I've seen), I'm running very short on Dreugh Wax.
Any way to get more (reliably) without having to file for bankruptcy would be very much appreciated. lol
Fallen_Ray wrote: »
How in the world did you manage to gather so many tempering alloys & rosins? Better question yet. How and where you farm them? please don't say material gathering please!
Unfortunately, it was by material gathering.Fallen_Ray wrote: »
How in the world did you manage to gather so many tempering alloys & rosins? Better question yet. How and where you farm them? please don't say material gathering please!
Any good spots? (names pls)
Uriel_Nocturne wrote: »Unfortunately, it was by material gathering.
Everywhere I go, I don't pass up a material node for anything. I mine/harvest/chop them all.
But since I only use the various metals/ores for my Templar's weapons, I also am sitting on six or seven full stacks (200 ingots/stack) of Rubedite Ingots and Ruby Ash. It's what happens when most every single character has all three Clothing, Blacksmithing, and Woodworking maxed at 50.
I go into Wrothgar or Hew's Bane, and all I see are Rubedite Ore, Ancestor Silk, and Ruby Ash. So I harvest them all, I only really use the Ancestor Silk in great quantity, which leaves me a TON of Rubedite Ingots and Ruby Ash sitting around.
But refining all of those has left me with a lot of Tempering Alloy and Rosin.
Apparently, RNGesus loves me as a crafting mule... lol
Nope.Fallen_Ray wrote: »
Ah I see... yeah I do the same I don't let one node get past me but i refined rubedites a few days ago around 200 ores and only got one tempering alloy. Sad. I thought there was another way, something I was missing... oh well.
Fallen_Ray wrote: »
Ah I see... yeah I do the same I don't let one node get past me but i refined rubedites a few days ago around 200 ores and only got one tempering alloy. Sad. I thought there was another way, something I was missing... oh well.
Uriel_Nocturne wrote: »I would like some insight on this as well...
I have over 100 Tempering Alloy for Blacksmithing.
I have close to 100 Rosin for Woodworking.
Since all of my characters run Light Armor (I think Light Armor looks the absolute best in every Motif I've seen), I'm running very short on Dreugh Wax.
Any way to get more (reliably) without having to file for bankruptcy would be very much appreciated. lol
I will second this post.
There is one thing you can do that might give a better return on Tempers. If in the first two refining operations you get no Tempers or Traits, exit the station and re-activate it again. It seems there is a factor that gets calculated that affects how much of a chance you have to get a Temper. All I know is, the times I have pulled one or two Golds from a 100 stack is when I start getting any Tempers early on in the refining process. If I don't get any tempers early on, I barely get any of any type for the whole stack.
Note, reactivating the station is not a guarantee it will get better, as it may even get worse. But, more often than not, I get a better selection of stuff.
Uriel_Nocturne wrote: »I will second this post.
I don't know what it is about the RNG, but if you're not getting Tempers of any quality early on, then you're going to be missing out on those Gold Tempers.
Even if it is only a Honing Stone or Dwarven Oil, if I don't get something by the time I refine my third try, I exit and reenter the station.
Also, it helps (in my experience) to hold onto as much raw material as possible. The bigger the stack of Ore, Raw cloth, or Raw wood, the more chance you have to start pulling out the higher tiered tempers.
The more times you refine, the more chances you have to get something good (i.e. tempers).
I told you about my gathering habits. It is a rare time that I hit a crafting table with less than 400 Raw materials of one type in my inventory. Save them up, over a couple of days if necessary, before refining.
It can only help your chances.
There is one thing you can do that might give a better return on Tempers. If in the first two refining operations you get no Tempers or Traits, exit the station and re-activate it again. It seems there is a factor that gets calculated that affects how much of a chance you have to get a Temper. All I know is, the times I have pulled one or two Golds from a 100 stack is when I start getting any Tempers early on in the refining process. If I don't get any tempers early on, I barely get any of any type for the whole stack.
Note, reactivating the station is not a guarantee it will get better, as it may even get worse. But, more often than not, I get a better selection of stuff.