Things should be consider adding to ESO

Hi, I just had couple really good feedback in my opinion that can improve the game and adds immersion to it so here they are:

1. Adding new character animations. random AFK animations. more fighting animations (wrecking blew suffers from this deeply). perhaps consider adding animation for a character each time he ends a boss fight, or finding a treasure chest. things like this can add life to the game and makes it more interesting.

2. random NPC reaction after killing all his pack and he is the only one left. maybe running away in fear? this doesn't break the game if you know how to do it without effecting the actual gameplay. and it can be done. altho it doesn't has to be an animation it can be some phrases of anger or fear.

3. randomly changing weapon wielding animation while out of fight (2 to 3 animations are enough) .. and this animation can be changed to the current animation as soon as attacking someone or being attacked by someone. this is an mmo and while we are in a group of friends with the same weapon type and we all holding our 2h swords in the same exact way makes it really odd. in any case this small detail can make the game look more beautiful.

4. Large reward upon finishing all quests and activities in one zone. it can be XP or set of gear or something that can only be obtained by exploring and finishing a whole zone. this will encourage players to do quests and explore the game and it can impact on the game really well. BUT, it has to be really worth it. it has to make you do even if you are maxed gear or level.

5. Make pets meaningful and have purpose not just following you. (This was already discussed in ESO live) but I just wanted to mention it because it's really cool future.

for now these what came to my mind while in game and I hope it can reach Zenimax team. let me know if you guys agree or disagree with those points. :)
  • TheShadowScout
    1. - arent they doing something of the sort with the personalities coming with DB? Of course, no matter what they may be doing, more emotes to make the characters (and NPCs for that matter) seem more "alive" are -never- a bad thing.

    2. - Oh, YES! I soooo wished NPC mobs had a "morale stat" and would act accordingly... like the mentioned last bandit trying to flee when he sees his buddies die at the blade of the adventurer they had hoped to rob. Or animals breaking off their attack and fleeing in terror if set ablaze with a fire spell. Or some mobs not aggroing at all, but fleeing instead if the character approaching them is too mighty... I mean, come on... if you are a noob bandit with a rusty sword and some scavanged leather armor, and you see an rubedite-armored dragonknight bear down on you swinging an battle axe bigger then you are tall for a juicy wrecking blow... would you stand your grund and die like a NPC, or say "*** bandit honor" and run screaming like a scared chicken??? (personally I would make like Sir Robin, and bravely run away...)

    3. Another one that would be neat. Heck, I would love to even see different fighting styles for different boni... slot "youkudan" style for bonus sword damage, slot "atmoran" style for additional axe damage, slot "morag tong" style for a dagger powerup, or something like that... then they could make treachers and quests where you get to learn each style like crafting motivs... oh, it would be sooo neat!

    4. you get rewards anyhow, there are achievemnts to be chased that may in some cases lead to a dye unlock... I personally do not need anything more. IF anything, I'd like to see some of the bigger questlines get more rewarding. Stuff you don't just throw away or decon. Stuff that's actually usaful - TG did it neatly by dropping random pieces of a certain armor set, the same could be refitted for other questlines... (though of course, people would whine if it happened for missing out on in when they did the dance back in the day)

    5. Maaaaybe. NOT in any combat related thing, but... I wouldn't mind seeing some effect. Even if its something very specific... like, say, cats bringing you the occasional hunted provisioning ingredient, doggies occasionally digging up something, etc... But there are many, many things I'd much rather see then pets becoming more then vanity items. Not in the least since if it happened, everyone would have a pet collection, and everyone would have one out all the time, leading to increased lag...

  • v_VendettA_v

    4. you get rewards anyhow, there are achievemnts to be chased that may in some cases lead to a dye unlock... I personally do not need anything more. IF anything, I'd like to see some of the bigger questlines get more rewarding. Stuff you don't just throw away or decon. Stuff that's actually usaful - TG did it neatly by dropping random pieces of a certain armor set, the same could be refitted for other questlines... (though of course, people would whine if it happened for missing out on in when they did the dance back in the day)

    I assure you that more than 50% of eso players haven't finished the all zones and the quests of the game because it's not rewarding and almost pointless other than some quests with skillpoints. while you can grind your way to max level I don't find any reason why people should do quests, altho some of them are interesting but not for everyone so it's extremely important that they do some changes. either they increase the rewards from the quests or give the rewards as a whole upon completion of entire zone. but as I said it has to be a unique reward not just an achievement or a dye.

    5. Maaaaybe. NOT in any combat related thing, but... I wouldn't mind seeing some effect. Even if its something very specific... like, say, cats bringing you the occasional hunted provisioning ingredient, doggies occasionally digging up something, etc... But there are many, many things I'd much rather see then pets becoming more then vanity items. Not in the least since if it happened, everyone would have a pet collection, and everyone would have one out all the time, leading to increased lag...

    totally agree, it doesn't have to effect combat or anything (removed during combat) , they just can do more than just following you. surely it won't result lags or game performance mate, you do realize that this is an MMO game and it's been designed to be crowded! Zenimax is encouraging their crown store, they can make it something extra to buy, better than a merchant for 5000c . I would happily pay 5000c for a my desired pet who picks resources for me and specific quality of items and gears (ignoring grey items and picking blues and better items for example) . there are tons of ideas that they can implement on pets.
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