Ninja Thread Nerf

. Nevermind, I've learned more since this was made
Edited by Waffennacht on December 4, 2016 8:14PM
Gamer tag: DasPanzerKat NA Xbox One
1300+ CP
Battleground PvP'er

Waffennacht' Builds
  • Thelon
    I don't use pets in PvP so it's tough to comment on that aspect. Sara the TriSaratops (Clannfear) is used as a tank + self heal for my PvE Pet build.

    @NativeJoe runs a pet build in PvP that's a pain to duel against (I think we called it a draw after 10 mins) so he would probably have better input re: pets in Cyrodiil.
  • NativeJoe
    Pretty much what I use on live now. is my thing in action.

    Only difference being I use an ice staff instead. and different abilities/ults

    perhaps we should duel sometime to see whats going on :wink: if you can get the build together before DB release (alot changes then)

    As for if I think it's viable... I don't think so in the dueling circles or higher end pvp.
    Here is why:
    They nerfed our damage a bit by taking away the curses double dip synergy with thermaturge, They buffed all our enemies giving them our damage mitigation techniques so for a low dps build... it produces alot of no win scenarios. And the big nail in the coffin is what happens to you when you get smashed with a proxy det... with all your pets up your getting hit for 20k or more. in short you may be late to the party. but fear not, for there may be some ways to get around all this crap... I'm currently experimenting with a heavy armor pet build since we get bonuses to hp with pets out and that stacks with entropy and whatnot... allowing even the skimpiest pet build to be in the 35-50k hp range and still have over 30k magicka.

    But again idk if it will be viable in DB, it certainly is viable right now tho. Wobel is looking at the sorc passives and skill lines and trying to find something to give stamina I honestly have no idea what we will have left to work with when all is said and done.

    I mean sure...against your average scrubs... your going to eat them alive. Against the elites tho... eh. I really don't think it is going to get you very far. not as far as it will get you now.

    and thanks for calling me in @Thelon :smiley:

    But yes to pet build in cyrodil, I've been experimenting with them in there for about a year now. Me and sypher used to go back and forth at nikel smashing each other when he was doing his snipe build. and back in those days with full damage a pet explosion while wearing necropotence could yield a 22k aoe and stun. wiping out most scrubs in one lethal blast. as Battle spirit came in tho, and with them getting rid of our pet burst builds... we've been pushed further and further out of the lime light. We can still make pet builds work. and I implore you to do so...because it is incredibly fun once you nail it. but getting the balance right these days is just getting harder and harder. and come DB, we just may not be able to combat with the "actual" pvpers on a level playing field. but up top in cyrodil verses Zerglings, I have no doubt you'll be able to get your kills and eat them alive. But I highly suggest you pick up the ice staff... preferably a master one. To much fun to pass up.
    Edited by NativeJoe on May 5, 2016 4:46AM
    650cp+ Sorcerer 100+ days /played
    Broken'Stick North American Server
  • Waffennacht
    "Magicka Detonation: Reduced the damage of this ability and its morphs by 45%. They now deal 25% additional damage per target hit, up from 10%, and cap that bonus damage up to a total of 250% more damage done, up from 100% more damage done. The net result should be significantly less damage to 1 target, and slightly less damage to 10 targets."

    I just did the math. We should be taking Less damage now, not more. Let's say your Proxy det, at base Damage, in PvP (OMG this is gonna be a huge Proxy!) deals an insane 20k damage. Right now with all 5 pets out, we take a total of 30k massive damage (20k + 2k (or 10%) per pet and player (or 5 total)). Now let's take that same 20k and apply the ZOS update, (20,000 x .55) that 20k becomes a base of 11k, now we add the 25% (of 11k mind you) 2750, and multiply that by 5 and get 13.75k. We add 13,750 to the base 11k and come out with 24,750. Where your insane 20k proxy det dealt 30k total to us and each pet, after update, that very same proxy det should only now deal 24,750 with all pet's out.

    TLDR: In the Update we take Less damage from Proxy det

    I also considered the fact that more players will have access to wards. So essentially it will be like facing a lot more sorcs. I think the key to beating these players will not only utilizing our wards, but utilizing our extreme Burst. If we time a CC with the ending of their wards, even if they CC break, our burst will be sufficient to kill a player.

    But we'll have to see! Here guys, just added some PvP videos too!

    Thanks for all the advice. I like the channeled DoT attacks from Staffs because they get the Thaumaturge boost and the Elemental Boost and are unblockable undodgeable.

    I would totally be down for a duel, if we were both on the same platform lol.

    oh and Fyi, so curse loses... what 10% damage without the double dip (It's my only DoT that's no longer a DoT) so that's around 1k loss, maybe a bit more. However, at least in a little nice way, Surge will now be procced by Curse, so slight heals.

    I also tried heavy armor at first... Did NOT like it lmao, hope you can like it. I'm really looking forward to the update. More health on pets, more health for pet builds without even trying and no more FOTM sorcs, at least a month before they can get their hands on the new Deltia build lmfao
    Edited by Waffennacht on May 5, 2016 5:19AM
    Gamer tag: DasPanzerKat NA Xbox One
    1300+ CP
    Battleground PvP'er

    Waffennacht' Builds
  • Toast_STS
    I begrudgingly prefer the clannfear over the familiar because the clannfear has infinite range on its heal. For the familiar AOE attack you have to be within like 30m for it to actually work. When you are in open cyrodil this becomes a problem when your pets run wherever the hell they please.

    VR14 DK Leaps-in-keeps
  • Waffennacht
    I begrudgingly prefer the clannfear over the familiar because the clannfear has infinite range on its heal. For the familiar AOE attack you have to be within like 30m for it to actually work. When you are in open cyrodil this becomes a problem when your pets run wherever the hell they please.

    I thought that too, but in my testing she always hits me, no matter the distance. It could be she just follows me like a boss.

    I wanna post a vid of me seiging a keep. - I thought it was awesome for me to be standing by myseld outside the wall and hitting the familiar AoE... and watching the AP and bounties go up.

    In that seige my familiar literally was all out by himself (I had no idea where he went) and kept getting me kills. Reminded me of me as a child and my parents lmao
    Gamer tag: DasPanzerKat NA Xbox One
    1300+ CP
    Battleground PvP'er

    Waffennacht' Builds
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