except that this feature existed way before cash shop
So right now to fully max out a characters riding skills (speed, stamina, storage) it takes 180 days. Or 18000 crowns ($180). This is way too high of a barrier for creating new alts and casual players. I think it would be far more reasonable if it only took 60 days at most to max out riding skill. Its long enough to require effort, but not so long as to be insane (as it currently is).
Also as an aside - since the conversion from Subscription Mandatory to B2P and the addition of the Crown store they have mostly avoided the skeevy feeling of the SWTOR (and other games like it) cash-grab. Except in this one place, 18000 crowns to max riding skill is way too damn high and the length seems like it is meant to encourage people to spend in the crown store (i'm pretty sure it is not, but it can give that impression). It comes off as VERY cashshop-skeevy.
Uriel_Nocturne wrote: »*sigh*
Because the Gods forbid that you might have to actually work towards something in a game anymore...
I swear, this "give it all to me RIGHT NOW!!!!" generation is going to be the death of MMO's. I get this feeling that they're working to reduce every game genre into the mind-numbing slog that is Call of Duty... Get everything as fast as possible, get burnt out/bored, move on to the next shiny game, rinse, repeat.
Uriel_Nocturne wrote: »*sigh*
Because the Gods forbid that you might have to actually work towards something in a game anymore...
I swear, this "give it all to me RIGHT NOW!!!!" generation is going to be the death of MMO's. I get this feeling that they're working to reduce every game genre into the mind-numbing slog that is Call of Duty... Get everything as fast as possible, get burnt out/bored, move on to the next shiny game, rinse, repeat.
We don't have the data to know if a lot of people are buying riding lessons or not. Obviously ZOS does, but we can only speculate
You are not the first to suggest this. Nor will you be the last, as I doubt ZOS will budge on this.
You forgot to put "In my opinion" into your post.Uriel_Nocturne wrote: »*sigh*
Because the Gods forbid that you might have to actually work towards something in a game anymore...
I swear, this "give it all to me RIGHT NOW!!!!" generation is going to be the death of MMO's. I get this feeling that they're working to reduce every game genre into the mind-numbing slog that is Call of Duty... Get everything as fast as possible, get burnt out/bored, move on to the next shiny game, rinse, repeat.
I have 6 max riding skill characters, and 2 that are within 30 days of max riding skill. I've done the slog already and am now doing it for my wife.
Just because I walked uphill both ways in the snow to get a trained mount doesn't mean I think new players should. This isn't content, its annoyance and it discourages people from playing. I want more people to play.
And for reference, I've been playing MMOs since Everquest. I've also done game dev. You need to learn the difference between "challenging content" and "annoyance". This falls under the later, not the former.
Uriel_Nocturne wrote: »You forgot to put "In my opinion" into your post.
Just saying.
Uriel_Nocturne wrote: »You forgot to put "In my opinion" into your post.
Just saying.
After your first post you have zero room to talk.
so tell me, what about "log in to each character once every 20 hours" constitutes "content" before you even start addressing how it constitutes "challenging".
lol Syas the guy whoi chose to place this topic on a public forum.Uriel_Nocturne wrote: »You forgot to put "In my opinion" into your post.
Just saying.
After your first post you have zero room to talk.
so tell me, what about "log in to each character once every 20 hours" constitutes "content" before you even start addressing how it constitutes "challenging".
This. All. Day.rotaugen454 wrote: »Dear ZOS,
I want everything right now that others had to get the slow way, and I don't want to pay any actual money to you to get it. Please destroy that revenue stream so I don't have to wait for something that many others had to.
Oreyn_Bearclaw wrote: »Brilliant idea!!! Problem as usual is $$$. I have no data to support this, but I can imagine riding lessons are some of the highest selling items in the crown store. I know I have personally spent more than I care to admit admit to level riding on some recent Alts. I feel like a horse needs 60 speed and 30 Stam otherwise they are maddening slow and a butterfly will knock you off.
I can remember before the merged riding skills when I was feeding about 15 horses a day. Haha.
No it didn't. You used to be able to own different mounts with different starting skill levels, so for instance you could have a bags horse and a speed horse, both of which you could train every day, each of which started at level 25 in their respective skill IIRC. In the end it took less than a month to max multiple horses, versus 6 months currently on a new character.
Taleof2Cities wrote: »While I don't have any issues with the OP's suggestion, I do have issues with players (casual or veteran) who can't log in once a day (or when they are otherwise available) ... even if it means standing by the stablemaster when logging out ...
UltimaJoe777 wrote: »<-- Is a casual player, has no beef with it even knowing it'll take me 6 months to max all 3 stats on all 3 of my new alts coming in DB.
WalkingLegacy wrote: »UltimaJoe777 wrote: »<-- Is a casual player, has no beef with it even knowing it'll take me 6 months to max all 3 stats on all 3 of my new alts coming in DB.
Some of us don't enjoy the crap system. Pushing to make it better if you don't care either way should be a thing.
WrathOfRegicide wrote: »I'm not sure why ZoS has the wait 20 hours per training anymore, I mean that made sense back when subscribing was necessary to play but as of right now its just a flawed mechanic. Also 250 gold for an apple seems way over-priced for fruit, I think the stable-masters are scamming ESO players.