NateAssassin wrote: »I worship myself and my 40k dps.
Many idols...
The potty mouthed queen of Azura - Crazywelsh
The genius named guild - Hodor
The queen of natch potes and soon to be - Gina
The amazing design / decision maker who gave us the skeleton polymorph - may your life be blessed
UltimaJoe777 wrote: »
I guess I wasn't specific enough lol I meant actual Gods and/or Daedric Princes in The Elder Scrolls series.
Nothing wrong with having idols though
Sheogorath worships me if thats any help...
myself and my 1vX skills
I answered this on another post. But my all time favorite god in the Elder Scrolls is without a doubt, Akatosh! And here is why.
*He gave the Amulet of Kings to Alessia, and through that made Nirn safe from Oblivion and all daedric realms.
*He made the Dragonborns. Or gifted mortals to become Dragonborn, which lead to the making of The Empire. Which lead to only a Dragonborn being able to become the Emperor. Aka someone who was a descendant of Alessia. Since Alessia founded the Empire and was the first Empress.
*He is directly responsible for saving Cyrodiil and probably all of Tamriel from Mehrunes Dagon in Oblivion, and in Skyrim. If it was not for Akatosh creating or gifting mortals to become Dragonborn we wouldn't have been able to stop Alduin. And in Oblivion he shows himself as a huge golden dragon avatar and fights Mehrunes Dagon, and defeats him.
*Lastly, lets not forget that its with the Amulet of Kings that we stop Molag Bal from ever completing the Planemeld. Which again is thanks to Akatosh, who created the Amulet of Kings.
So basically thanks to Akatosh Tamriel, or possibly all of Nirn has been saved at least three times. And lets not forget that he is The Dragon God of Time. And that he is considered to be the chief divinity/god of all the Nine Divines. We owe a lot to Akatosh! Of course he is the supreme and all time the best God in all of Nirn!
All hail The Dragon God Akatosh!
UltimaJoe777 wrote: »
That's just crazy talk!
Sithis has Cicero. Which means that Sithis has The Dark Brotherhood and The Joker.Its always been a three way tie between Sheogorath, Hircine and Sithis for me.
Hard to choose between the patron saint of werewolves, The Joker and the dark brotherhood.