Hi all,
Again, Im new to MMOs - but not RPGs as such. Im currently levelling my first characture, and building my bars is proving hard to understand (pros/cons/balance).
I like using pets, I like to hit from a distance, I like shields/healing as well - BUT thats mainly as all RPGs Ive played before have been solo (as will this be to start at least), and Ive always gone for a rounded characture.
so - Im using a Briton/sourcerer, and am concentrating on Daedric summoning. Im on PS4, which explains which buttons I have which spell on.
So currently I only have one bar. I have:
Destro Staff
L1 - Lightning form (though will probably become summon winged twilight when I get there)
L2 - Summon Familiar
square - Destructive Touch
Triangle - Daedric curse
Circle - Mages Fury
L2-L1 (Ultimate) - Overload
Im planning my 2nd bar to be:
1. Twin slashes,
4. winged twilight
5. Failure
Ultimate ?? either overload or Summon Atronac
So - any tweeks to my main bar - and what to put in my 2nd.