Idea: Sheogoraths Forge

I was thinking the other day when I was popping into IC to get style materials and rune stones and teleporting to three different places to make gear for someone...that it would be cool to have ONE incredible, brilliant place to do ALL that you needed. I'm on Xbox console, so I have to use my tablet for easy 'where's that crafting station again?' map assistance when my memory fails me. So here's the idea....

Once you unlock all research (9 trait) you are given access to Sheogoraths Forge. He seemed the best candidate for this honor since he IS the Daedric Prince of Madness (..and what we do can be maddening at times! Lol). From this location ( perhaps a portal like Eyevea?) you could do EVERY set piece, purchase every style and trait material with gold or TelVar..maybe even deconstruct or improve armor or gear with a % chance of getting better odds? Unlocking it behind completed research seems a fair idea since most I know are close to 8 trait in at least 2-3 areas...and gives us an end game crafter goal. But again...this is just an idea!

As well, this could be an interesting environment to have fun with! Say it's April Fools..or..Molag Bals birthday....(does he even have a birthday?!) you have a chance of creating a unique item or trophy/costume piece. After all, Good ole Sheo would want us to have fun while we toil away in the madness.....

  • FerrumnCutem
    Absolutely great plan. But this is a Really big plan aswell. Alltough it would be convenient to have all the stations in one place, it would be just and only be that, convenient. You are on the right track with the special crafting rewards, it would be amazing to have a special crafters day. And when you would craft something you would have the chance at something cool happening!
    Nice idea ;)
  • kylewwefan
    I like it! Except 9 traits in everything. That's gonna take me some time still.
  • Nestor
    So, basically you want every crafter in the game to be at one crafting station?

    Even if I could find the crafting station in the middle of the crowd, I can see myself making the wrong crafted sets very easily this way.
    Enjoy the game, life is what you really want to be worried about.

    PakKat "Everything was going well, until I died"
    Gary Gravestink "I am glad you died, I needed the help"

  • kylewwefan
    Hmmm...maybe they can do it like in an instance. Or like the crown banker/merchant. Comes right to you and craft away. And an enchanting station and a pot maker
  • Tarukmockto
    I like the concept, but what if it was a room full of crafting stations. Each set has it's own station. They would all be in one place, but not all be the same place.

    Not sure if I'd want to further jam up the place with non-set crafting stations for Enchanting and Alchemy. But heck, since we're just dreaming anyway, why not add a cooking fire too. lol
    NA - DC - DK - PC
  • heyewe
    I LOVE the idea of it being an instance @kylewwefan ✨That's really inventive :) and...@Nestor I would think that not EVERY crafter would be there...since ideally it would be an end-game crafting location after hitting 9 traits on all? But I hear could get overpopulated.

    My thought was also perhaps a drop down menu for sets, choose...lock it in and create?

    And what if it were its own the Earth Forge? Eyevea? It could be incredibly beautiful and a Master Crafters fire and all. ❤️
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