so sanctum loot will be scaled to v16. too bad google is too bad to find me which sets are from sanctum, and im too lazy to klick on every set in fextra to see where everything drops, so can somebody tell me which ones are from sanctum?
no, i want people that did sanctum and know what sets drop there from memory, answer me, so i dont have to look through every set. AND fextra seems to be kind of strange about some sets, i found a source that lists for example eternal warrior, which seems to be missing from fextra.
Although I don´t really want to answer you since you´ve presented your question rather annoyingly, the sets that drop, according to @Icy are as follows:
(Bind on Equip) Dreugh King Slayer, Elegance, Knightmare, Shadow Dancer's Raiment, Skirmisher's Bite, Viper's Sting.
(Bind on Pickup) Eternal Yokeda, Infallible Aether, Vicious Ophidian.