UltimaJoe777 wrote: »It's a known issue Zenimax is constantly working to fix. Just hang in there, it'll be fixed eventually.
Haha do you really believe it?
UltimaJoe777 wrote: »
Of course I do. I have no reason not to.
NovaShadow wrote: »
Cant even play during a big battle. Everyone stops moving then i get booted out and have to relog and then have a hard time logging in again. is this happening for anyone else
UltimaJoe777 wrote: »It's a known issue Zenimax is constantly working to fix. Just hang in there, it'll be fixed eventually.
Maybe splitting megaserver into more local servers would ease the lag. When people from all parts of Europe, Africa, Australia etc play together on the same EU megaserver, and some have ping 10 when others 300+, how it influences the overall performance of battles. I'm not an expert, I can only assume it does matter, or maybe not?
UltimaJoe777 wrote: »
I don't and I pity anyone that does for disappointment would slap them silly lol
It is an ongoing work in progress that could take even 5 more years for all we know.
WalkingLegacy wrote: »
It's sad that you're okay with this.
dimensional wrote: »
Even more sad is the 20 threads a week since forever that complain about this from people expecting it to get fixed overnight, and yet act surprised when it doesn't.
WalkingLegacy wrote: »
It's sad that you're okay with this.