After giving this a lot of thought, I think gear should come in much fewer grades after the removal of the Veteran Ranks.
Having a new grade of gear for every 10 or 20 Champion Ranks makes anything you find before reaching the Champion Point requirement for the currently highest grade of gear (right now 160 CP on PTS) obsolete in a few hours, even faster than previous non top level gear with VR requirements was outleveled.
What I would suggest is to have only a single grade of gear that can be equipped by all characters that have reached lv 50 (and are thus at least Champion Rank 1) right now in the DB Update (season 1 gear).
Then, in a future update, raise the Champion Point cap to 1002, and add a new grade of gear that requires lv 50 + Champion Rank 501 or higher to be equipped (season 2 gear).
In a later update, raise the Champion Point cap to 1503, and add a third grade of gear that requires lv 50 + Champion Rank 1002 or higher to be equipped (season 3 gear).
The Champion Point cap can be raised more often in smaller increments*, but there should only be a new grade of gear about once every 6-12 months, in my opinion, so players don't have to get the same equipment over and over again (there can still be new sets released in every patch, but no new grade of gear until the next seasonal CP cap is reached).
There really should be a crafting option or NPC service to change the trait at least of crafted items as well, especially with the complete redesign of weapon and armor traits in DB.
With the introduction of seasonal gear, monsters would still come in all Champion Point variants (1-current skill CP cap, so there could be monsters with Champion Rank 101, 102, and 103, etc. in the same zone, for example), with the higher Champion Point ones giving more XP (this is important! it lets players hunt anywhere they want but they get more XP if they hunt the stronger monsters).
In later Updates keep some content that is scaled for season 1 gear difficulty (and remains at that difficulty level), but add new content with stronger monsters designed for characters with season 2 gear.
Make sure, the season 1 zones have some rare things that drop only there which higher level players want as well so there can be some trading and players who haven't reached the season 2 gear requirement yet won't feel excluded from the community and get rewarded for playing the game.
In the long run, get rid of battle-leveled open PvE zones (Orsinium, Hew's Bane, Gold Coast) and attribute them a fixed Champion Point range.
* Every time the CP cap is raised, the catch up mechanic already in place will make it easier for newer players to gain Champion Ranks below the cap.
Edit: Sorry, I meant to post this in the PTS forum.
Edit2: I'd like to point out what I think are the strenghts of this suggested system:
- Lv 50+ gear doesn't get obsolete for a very long time. When a new grade of gear is introduced once every 6-12 months, it comes with entirely new sets (both dropped and crafted) exclusive to that grade and will only be minimally stronger than gear of the previous grade, but a lot harder to get. Nobody will have to get a higher grade version of the same item again for the nth time anymore (as many players had to in the past with boss helmets, crafted sets, sets dropped in dungeons, PvP sets every time the VR cap was increased).
Edited by GaldorP on April 28, 2016 9:35AM