The order of The White Hand is now looking for all PvE players to bolster our army! Join us! And become beacons of light that shine, when all other lights go out!
The Order of The White Hand, is an ancient Order to preserve balance on Nirn! We hunt down our counterparts (The Dark Brotherhoods, Black Hand members) and destroy them in the name of the light!
We enjoy all types of play styles, whether you enjoy PvP, PvE, RP, or anything in between! All are welcome here!
Please keep it friendly! Drama free! We encourage conversation ingame, but we ask that all members show a mutual respect to each other!
No Trolling! It will not be tolerated!
No Stealing from guild bank! You will be removed, and reported to GMs instantly!
Since we're New
We have no Guild trader YET! We do have a guild bank and heraldry! Trading services will be offered soon!
Edited by HeWalksAlone on April 30, 2016 9:13PM