I submitted a ticket reporting a glitch that is making me unable to join guilds in the game. I am currently in 3 guilds I was in 4 but when I tried to join a 5th guild I got a message on screen telling me that to join another guild I have to first leave one. I was sure I could be in 5 but didn't really care at the time, so I deleted my least favorite guild and tried to accept the new guild invite again. I am only in 3 guilds at this point and it tells me on screen again that to join another guild I first have to leave one I am currently in. I'm not leaving any of the 3 guilds I am in. So I delete the invite and have them resend it. Still get the same message. So I have someone invite me to a completely different guild, still get the same message. So I swap characters, still get the same message. Logging out doesn't fix it nor does restarting ps4. This has been happening since april 3rd. The same day A guild bank glitch just erased 200k of my gold when I deposited, Which zenimax customer support called me a liar and said the gold doesn't exist and refused to help me. But whatever. So I submitted a ticket about this guild issue the other day. Written entirely in English. And this is the reply I get from customer service "For new forums account invitations, your request has been received." Never, not once did I ever inquire or say anything about joining this forum or asking for an invite to this forum or for an account to be made for this forum. I asked for My ingame issue that won't let me join guilds to be fixed and Somehow that Entire ticket was miss read as me asking to join this forum that I care nothing about. So now I'm short 200k gold that I spent several hours over the course of weeks earning because I can only play 2 days out of a week, and I am unable to join guilds, and despite this I still continue to stupidly buy crowns and pay for eso plus and despite being a paying customer I have been refused help on every single ticket I have ever submitted.