Hello, I am currently leveling a Nord DragonKnight tank. I am trying to decide whether a magicka or stamina build would be more effective overall for my goal. My vision for this tank is to be able to last extended periods of time without a healer as well as provide buffs to the group such as igneous weapons and warhorn. So my main question is do you think stamina or magicka DK tanks (Nord) are more effective AND WHY?
A few other questions I have include:
1. Is burning embers or resolving vigor a more effective heal in comparison to their magicka/stamina counterparts?
2. How important is it for tanks to be able to deal damage in endgame content (Vet dungeons and trials)?
3. How much max health, Stamina, and magicka Do i need as a stamina or magicka tank?
4. Where Should I allocate my CP as a magicka or stamina tank?