Hey guys,
so I bought the game a few days back. I played a bit, but upon waking up yesterday and trying to play I started getting crashes after character select. At first I thought that was due to my rams being used up. But I was playing it fine lol. Even so, I'm upgrading it later on. So I tried almost all the tricks on the internet, the language changing, the user settings deleting, the directx line changing, the admin mode, the compabilities and all that jazz EVEN THE REPAIR
))) So uhm uh, anyone has any ideas what could it be? My specs are i5, amd radeon r5 m330,4gb ram. Drivers are up to date. I've sent a ticket, but seeing as it is weekend now, I'm not really in a spot to expect anything so I thought maybe the fellow players could throw some tips.Posting the crash report. Also attaching the Game Consultant report.
Thanks in advance,
eso has stopped working.
version = 0.01
ProductName = eso
Version = eso.live.
branch = live
char.account = BLANK
char.alliance = 2
char.name = BLANK
client.executablebits = 32
client.mode = load
client.renderertype = D3D11
client.session_start_timestamp = 2016-04-24T01:13:06.037Z
client.time_since_load = 67
client.timestamp = 2016-04-24T01:16:09.259Z -frme 7524-
client.uptime = 183.5
computer.name = BLANK
computer.user = BLANK
cpu.arch = 0
cpu.count = 4
cpu.level = 6
cpu.type = 586
data.depotid = 4001
data.dir = C:/Program Files/Zenimax Online/The Elder Scrolls Online EU/dep
data.syncm = databuild
data.version = 0.win.0.live.1294995
exe.buildnum = 1294995
exe.opt = release
exe.reltype = public
exe.type = client
gfx.description = 16.150.2211.0
gfx.deviceid = 26208.941299626.131
gfx.driver = AMD Radeon (TM) R5 M330
gfx.vendorid = 4098
globby.address =
globby.port = 24502
loc.wloc = 700 27441 50030 60009 25.72
loc.world = MQ 1 - Wailing Prison Tutorial
loc.worldid = 700
loc.zone = The Wailing Prison
login.address =
mem.system_physical = 2494
mem.total_current = 1556
mem.total_peak = 1587
mem.ws_current = 1434
mem.ws_peak = 1456
os.osbits = 32
os.platform = windows
os.version = 10.0.10586.
ptime = 0
realm.depotid = 0
realm.id = 4001
realm.name = EU Megaserver
reportfield.ver = 3
version.major = 2
version.patch = 3
version.subpatch = 9