Rewards for Achievement point Benchmarks?

I think we should get cool rewards at certain benchmarks of achievement points. At least at 5K intervals. My main is getting close to 10K. Just to get that many means a player has been doing all sorts of different activities in the game. I think that deserves a reward of some kind.

Maybe a cool pet or outfit?
Giraffon - Beta Lizard - For the Pact!
    Would be nice! But doubtful would prefer a pet TBH
  • imnotanother
    I vote for "Over Achiever" title. I'm over 14k
    PS4: NA - AD PSN: imnotanother (Artell Lyeselle)
    Stamina NightBlade 810+ CP - PvP/Trials/Dungeon Ready
  • leandro.800ub17_ESO
    17.1 k here
  • UltimaJoe777
    Yeah achievement points are just to scale your accomplishments right now, nothing else. Pointless feature and no news of anything they plan to do with them yet. Not the first time this has been asked about though and won't be the last. I for one would love to see achievement points actually be for something.
    Guildmaster of Power With Numbers in PS4 NA Server's Aldmeri Dominion.
    Proud Founder of the Yaysay cult! DOWN WITH THE NAYSAY CULT!! #ToxicRemedy
  • daemonios
    17.1 k here

    Same. Only missing achievements in PvP and Maw of Lorkhaj, basically.

    As for rewards, a couple of things.

    1. Some achievements are much harder than others. Fishing, collectibles and black market mogul take serious effort, as do higher PvP ranks. They should have worthwhile rewards such as pets or mounts.
    2. The more achievement points you get, the harder it is to get more. I don't think a linear progression (e.g. every 5k achievement points) would be adequate, I'd rather see rewards appropriate to certain hard to do achievements:
    - Fishing;
    - Collectibles;
    - All deathless/speed runs (including IC dungeons) completed at VR16;
    - 250 anchors/anchor generals;
    - Black market mogul;
    - Monster hunter;
    - Etc.
    Edited by daemonios on April 18, 2016 7:48PM
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