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Do you guys think the pace of exp gain while on cake is the way it should be by default?

I think the game should focus on content, encourage different play styles, instead of having the burden of exp farming via repeat quests and grinding. I think the pace of exp gain with the cake is what it should be by default, so instead of being discouraged by a grind/quest wall, people can just focus on what they want, like trying out different builds with different classes.
  • sadownik
    I would say until lvl 50 exp rate is ok. But after lvl 50 i would say yes, keep the cake ratio.
  • TheDarkShadow
    Yeah, the xp rate before 50 is ok, but after 50 it's a pain. I think if ZOS already decided to remove VR in a few months, they should make VR require even lesser XP, or buff XP of mobs and quests, or even un-nerf xp in delves and Craglorn. But I guess the xp scrolls still selling well on the store so they don't want to cut it.
    Edited by TheDarkShadow on April 16, 2016 9:32AM
  • Sunburnt_Penguin
    Well, the main issue I have with the levelling are those players with multiple characters constantly going through unnecessary Vet ranks and this is obviously being taken away with DB DLC.

    Whilst speeding up Vet/CP ranks for people on their first character would've been better ideal for me, the issue you have are the people who want their level to be comparable to the Silver & Gold questing levels because they like the challenge. If you do this unilaterally then they'll constantly be over-levelled, whilst adding something permanently in which is optional seems a bit weird to me.
  • Necrelios
    I would have to agree. Leveling veteran ranks feels slow, but I guess that sells XP scrolls which helps keep the servers turned on so that's kind of important too.
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  • Tandor
    I'm fine with the leveling speed, and high-level advancement will improve over time as VR levels are removed and additional content is added as an alternative to Cadwells. XP scrolls are there for those who feel the need to advance quickly and help to fund the game so that's fine.I made a point of only using the cake for my VR character because my other characters are all out-leveling the 1-50 content anyway.
  • Cernow
    1-50 levelling speed is fine.

    VR1-VR16 is a horrible grind.

    The nice thing about the cake is that it was possible to do only the quests necessary for Cadwell's Silver and Gold and still be at an appropriate level for the zone without having to hunt down every side quest (too many of which are tediously generic). This is how the VR zones should have been paced in the first place and then perhaps there would have been less clamour to remove them.

    It's often said on these forums that having slow advancement helps fund the game by pushing players to subscriptions and xp scrolls. But this is not good game design and is not a healthy revenue stream because it will exhaust players in the long run. Revenue should be generated by pull tactics, not push tactics (carrot not stick).
  • ADarklore
    I think once VR ranks are removed this won't be a problem, because as far as we last heard, once an alt reaches level 50 they will automatically CP level to the max CP character on your account.
    CP: 1965 ** ESO+ Gold Road ** ~~ Stamina Arcanist ~~ Magicka Warden ~~ Magicka Templar ~~ ***** Strictly a solo PvE quester *****
  • Spiderg1rl
    The cake was great for people to level alts however I think for first characters the levelling 1-50 is just fine and getting though vet levels although more time consuming for first characters I think with xp scrolls is reasonable but with alts cake is a better method.

    At least when dark brotherhood comes out if you hit 50 with a new alt they should gain the cp from your previous characters and given how fast you get them especially with xp scrolls it will get better. It's just a waiting game for now.
  • Reevster
    Its not suppose to be "Fast" that defeats the propose of a MMO lol, good lord, you give people 100 percent exp boost for a week and now they want it permanent, Shouldn't have give the 100 percent exp boost in the first place i guess. What a bunch, i pity the Dervs....
    Edited by Reevster on April 16, 2016 12:27PM
  • vyrusb23
    Step 1: Give full time cake experience.
    Step 2: Complain on boards that everyone in Cyrodiil has 500 Champion Points.
  • cravnbeer
    No. If looking for an easy way to max level why not just add a maxed out toon you can buy for crown points[/sarcasm].

    CP is account so once VR ranks are removed the only leveling that is left is the 1-50.
  • Korah_Eaglecry
    Eh. I feel like its really nice on Alts. But I can see someone running through the content the first time and feeling a bit cheated by how quickly they outlevel the content.

    Its already an issue if you attempt to hit as much as you can along the way to make sure youre the right level when moving on to the next zone. Youll almost always end up a level or two above the first mobs and quests you run into in the next zone.

    Way I see it. This is exactly what the EXP Pots are for in the Crown Store. Want to rush up to max level? Buy some EXP Pots. Its not like its gonna be that much of a pain to get to level 50 come Dark Brotherhood.
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    What is better, to be born good, or to overcome your evil nature through great effort? - Paarthurnax
  • Samadhi
    More than just issues with pacing, the Cake buff really reinforced a more permeating issue.
    Veteran content does not coincide with the levels necessary for it.
    The jump from V10 maps to Wrothgar/Imperial City as leveling zones is poorly executed in light of having to make it to V16.

    But Veteran ranks are to be phased out soon enough, so ultimately it may all become inconsequential.
    "If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion." -- the 14th Dalai Lama
    Wisdom is doing Now that which benefits you later.
  • DocFrost72
    The run from 1-50 is fun, engaging, and rewarding. You're constantly unlocking new moves and gaining skill points/attributes like mad.

    From V1-16... Not a lot, really. But I can live with 1-2 months more of it, since they are removing VRs soon.

    Unrelated side note I think the cake was a ploy to get the economy moving; I had to recraft all my armor thanks to the damned cake gut!
  • leepalmer95
    Well, the main issue I have with the levelling are those players with multiple characters constantly going through unnecessary Vet ranks and this is obviously being taken away with DB DLC.

    Whilst speeding up Vet/CP ranks for people on their first character would've been better ideal for me, the issue you have are the people who want their level to be comparable to the Silver & Gold questing levels because they like the challenge. If you do this unilaterally then they'll constantly be over-levelled, whilst adding something permanently in which is optional seems a bit weird to me.

    Arent the silver/gold zones ranking with you or something in Dark brotherhood?
    PS4 EU DC

    Current CP : 756+

    I have every character level 50, both a magicka and stamina version.

    RIP my effort to get 5x v16 characters...
  • ADarklore
    Considering DB will be dropping in another month or two, this whole complaint about VR level progression will be moot- which means that ZOS won't even bother addressing the complaints being raised in this thread. Once DB drops and all progression is based upon CP, I wonder then how many players will be complaining about the slow progression the closer you get to CP cap? That is the issue that I have... the closer you get to cap, the longer and longer it takes to achieve a CP. Honestly, I wish they would allow players to get to CP cap at the standard rate and, once at cap, then slow down CP acquisition until the cap is raised.
    CP: 1965 ** ESO+ Gold Road ** ~~ Stamina Arcanist ~~ Magicka Warden ~~ Magicka Templar ~~ ***** Strictly a solo PvE quester *****
  • mb10
    No. Besides its a little too late for that now. Like 2 years late
  • D0ntevenL1ft
    mb10 wrote: »
    No. Besides its a little too late for that now. Like 2 years late

    Because you didn't get it nobody else should right?
    Edited by D0ntevenL1ft on April 16, 2016 4:32PM
  • acw37162
    In one word, No.
  • Volkodav
    I'm with everyone who said that leveling after level 50 is a real pain.I am soo close right now it hurts,but just cant seem to get to the turning point for my vet to the next level.
    So to have that cake would be a boon for those over level 50.
  • Taisynn
    No. Seriously, I think leveling is too fast in general. I was always over-level during 1-50 and I'm 4 vet ranks overlevel for Cadwell's Silver in Daggerfall. I'm level v5 in v1 areas...
    PC - @Taisynn - NA - CP 268
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    Nev'e - Bosmer - LVL 18 - Templar 50 Enchanting Ebonhart Pact

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  • Mettaricana
    Cake rate was nice it felt natural when you do a quest I feel you shoukd see exp bar move not tick 1%
  • Avenias
    mb10 wrote: »
    No. Besides its a little too late for that now. Like 2 years late

    Its never too late to change. Other MMOs, especially those heavy in story have done it late. More recent example will be SWTOR, which finally understood that repeating a ton of side missions is boring and decided to make an exp system where you just need to do the main quests to hit cap. A similar model that is catered to ESO can be used, where the devs can decide on the number of quests, or the hrs of grind you will need to Cap. The quest story lines have extremely limited options atm, making re-plays very boring after doing it with a few characters. The focus should be on encouraging players to try out experiment and roll different builds, instead of having a grind/quest wall against it.
  • Ackwalan
    If double xp was the norm, it would take less then a week for people to complain that it was to low.
  • Thybrinena
    1-50 should remain as it is, but seeing that VR levels are being removed anyway, why not let people get through them quicker? I think the cake should've been kept for VR only. Getting through it multiple times is extremely tedious.
  • Farorin
    If it was vet ranks and no CP then yes, the exp gain wtih cake should be standard, but with no vet ranks and with CP only, then no, no need for cake exp.
  • Thybrinena
    Farorin wrote: »
    If it was vet ranks and no CP then yes, the exp gain wtih cake should be standard, but with no vet ranks and with CP only, then no, no need for cake exp.

    Good point - I'd be more than happy not getting CPs while Cake XP is active. IF guys wanted CPs then they could disable/not enable cake buff. At least that would give a reasonable trade off at which folks could get through VR quicker.

  • Oldmanlawlor
    Yes, yes, yes and yes! 'Cake XP' should be the norm for XP.

    It genuinely get rewarding to play.
  • Averya_Teira
    VR questing with cake XP felt just right to me. It's the way it should be. I could actually see my XP bar move when I turned In a quest.....
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