Roles stuck on screen after joining random group (Bug report)

Just wanted to share and report a bug that happens consistently on xbox one since the TG update has it.

I thought to record a video because its hard to explain otherwise.
Vid -

going in and out of menus doesnt fix this...eventually relog helps but risks getting u kicked.
Other than will go away and come back frequently for over 5 minutes or longer in actual time. This particular situation lasted long enough to record so here is a 1 min clip of the issue.

-PC (PTS)/Xbox One: NewBlacksmurf
~<{[50]}>~ looks better than *501
  • xXTomahawkXx
    I am also having this same issue, but during harborage quests. Opening the character menu will make the group role descriptions go away shortly but they always come back.
  • Bobby_V_Rockit
    Still happening to me after SotH update
  • NewBlacksmurf
    Yep it's still occurring in this update.
    -PC (PTS)/Xbox One: NewBlacksmurf
    ~<{[50]}>~ looks better than *501
  • Mcgelie1
    I have this happen pretty often.
  • Khilseith
    Go to roles in the group menu and then back out. It usually fixes it for me.

    When you go into the menu and back out it disappears. But when you try to move left or right it comes back up and you can move it like you're in the group menu selecting your role. Going to the group menu and hovering over the roles for a second makes it so you can quit out of it.
    Edited by Khilseith on August 29, 2016 11:53PM
  • NewBlacksmurf
    Yeah it's a UI bug that we can't close like you can on PC
    -PC (PTS)/Xbox One: NewBlacksmurf
    ~<{[50]}>~ looks better than *501
  • Khilseith
    Yeah it's a UI bug that we can't close like you can on PC

    I'm on Xbox.
  • NewBlacksmurf
    Yeah it's a UI bug that we can't close like you can on PC

    I'm on Xbox.

    Sorry there...."you" wasn't intended to identify a person in this discussion. It was a generalization
    -PC (PTS)/Xbox One: NewBlacksmurf
    ~<{[50]}>~ looks better than *501
  • Khilseith
    Yeah it's a UI bug that we can't close like you can on PC

    I'm on Xbox.

    Sorry there...."you" wasn't intended to identify a person in this discussion. It was a generalization

    Oh, I see. I misread it.
  • Bobby_V_Rockit
    Its back, but now its the skill ability bar stuck instead of roles :/
  • Panth141
    Yep, just /reloadui asap
    PS4 EU - Panth141 | CP 630+
    Almalexia's Fallen - Magicka Dragonknight - PvE Main
    Lost Hope of Sotha Sil - Magicka Dragonknight - PvP Main
    Claws-in-pockets - Stamina Nightblade - PvE/P DPS
    Nocturnal's Guise - Magicka Nightblade - PvE DPS
    Udun - Magicka Templar - PvP Healer
    Onsi's Shattered Blade - Stamina Sorcerer - Dungeon/vMA Farmer
    Stands-like-Mountains - Magicka Nightblade - PvE Saptank
    Auri-El's Forgotten Light - Magicka Sorcerer - PvP DPS

    Tharkün - Magicka Sorcerer - PvE DPS
    Rahai-Anaa - Stamina Dragonknight - Provisioner (lol)

    Perolis - Magicka Sorcerer - Enchanter/Alchemist/BwB PvP

  • Gigglez
    Anytime you change a skill, then go back to playing, as soon as you move your character left or right it pulls up the skill descriptions and cycles thru your skill bar left/ right.

    To correct, pull up text and type: /reloadui it reloads your character exactly where you are, faster than relogging and works everytime.

    Super annoying especially in Cyrodiil and dungeons.

    Found if after changing skills you back out to menu and GO INTO ANY OTHER SELECTION , such as character or inventory, then exit back to gameplay it will not happen.
    Edited by Gigglez on December 3, 2016 9:47PM
  • Bobby_V_Rockit
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