Idea for Cyrodiil

So playing in Cyrodiil has become a crash-fest. I know players who are quitting due to the issue. Where we once had 6 campaigns, we now only have 4. This is forcing each campaign to have a greater number of players. Since BWB is a non-vet campaign, really there are 3 veteran campaigns were before we had 5. I think that if ZOS were to add another 2 veteran campaigns, then maybe the crash and lag for pvp players would be reduced. This is something that I thought of and wanted to float it by the peanut gallery community.
  • Lightninvash
    :Þ if they did that the servers would be overloaded and more lag :Þ
  • jkemmery
    :Þ if they did that the servers would be overloaded and more lag :Þ

    Do you really think so, or were you being sarcastic?
  • James-Wayne
    The issue isnt about the amount of players logged into them so no how it is is fine.
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  • AdamBourke
    I think the campaigns were removed to try and reduce lag.

    Adding campaigns won't reduce the number of players logged in, so this won't help much.

    However, Adding Campaigns WILL mean that everything will have to be persisted for that campaign. At least in the main zone - i'm assuming that they have something that stops persisting areas where there are no players - but they might not. But things like Dark Anchors would need to be persisted, Merchant locations., which insects had been collected... A whole load of extra stuff that will reduce the power available to the current campaigns.

    (And adding extra servers won't help, I don't think, due to their megaserver technology dynamically assigning the processing power to whichever campaign needs it most).

    They COULD limit population caps - but that would upset a lot of people.
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    Please put the Eyevea/EarthForge wayshrines back on the map?
  • Lightninvash
    jkemmery wrote: »

    Do you really think so, or were you being sarcastic?

    I do think so because that's 2 more campaigns that are over populated. so I think it would spread out people a bit more but when it is fully active should increase the lag. think of it like this 3 campaigns with 25+ people waiting to get in each faction that are full(potentially) or 5 full campaigns with 25+ people attempting to get in. would cause more server lag doing it that way. at least that's how I see it potentially causing more lag.
  • jkemmery
    I thought that each campaign would draw on it's own resources, which to me seems to be the point of having more than one. I wouldn't think things to be persisted between campaigns because each campaign is it's own, separate entity. The "megaserver" technology seems like it's really more of a single log in, and the ability to message anyone else logged in, because there are, in fact, separate instances of the provinces, even within factions. I know this because several times I have attempted to meet friends at the Daggerfall fountain, but they aren't there. When we would group and teleport to the other, then we would be in the same instance.
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