The can't do sustained DPS. All Sorc DPS is burst centric which is horrible for vMoL (the most worthwhile PvE atm). Also a DPS Sorc isn't better than a proper tank...yours just might have sucked.
The list of things sorcs can't do:
- Restore other people's stamina
- efficiently crowd control mobs (through chains, talons, w/e)
- be top tier at stamina
That's pretty much the list of what a sorc can't do. Otherwise, hardened ward is crazy good at keeping you alive, and overload melts face. I wouldn't try a bow sorc. I have. Underoptimized is a nice word for it.
Lightninvash wrote: »see that's semi depressing in all the other TES games I have been a bow wielding mage haha. and so I stayed away form sorcs since I cant use bow as effectively with magicka in this game.
IrishGirlGamer wrote: »But I have tried to roll a sorcerer and play it ... and it just doesn't stick.
I do have a templar. She struggles. ..........and forget soloing any group content.
I rolled a nightblade again. I, too, though it seemed a little like easy mode.
IrishGirlGamer wrote: »I've had several players tell me the same thing. In one guild, two people have regularly urged me to roll a sorcerer for the "benefits." But I have tried to roll a sorcerer and play it ... and it just doesn't stick. I just don't like the way it plays. But I have to admit, with pets and burst DPS, sorcs can be pretty attractive.
I do have a templar. She struggles. I like the character so I try to play her regularly but she's now V2 and she does die maybe once every couple of hours. I have to be pretty careful with a I play and forget soloing any group content.
In fact, I stopped even trying to run group dungeons with her unless I'm in a group. No matter how I distribute my skill and attribute points, she can only sustain with others. I've must have read a dozen Templar builds and they all focus on two things: using 2h or a staff as a weapon. Since I do neither of those things ... yeah.
Shortly after I got her to V1, I rolled a nightblade again. I, too, though it seemed a little like easy mode. I'm leveling her to V1 and really the only time I die is when I'm not paying attention.
Lightninvash wrote: »see that's semi depressing in all the other TES games I have been a bow wielding mage haha. and so I stayed away form sorcs since I cant use bow as effectively with magicka in this game.
I used to be a Bow Wielding Mage too. Back before 1.6/1.5 we could do that. Now, you need to be focused. So, use a Staff for Ranged.
Septimus_Magna wrote: »You know you can solo most normal dungeons right?
Sorc is definitely a strong class for solo pve due to hardened ward and overload.
In sustained dps tests sorcs will be outperformed by every class though.
IrishGirlGamer wrote: »I've had several players tell me the same thing. In one guild, two people have regularly urged me to roll a sorcerer for the "benefits." But I have tried to roll a sorcerer and play it ... and it just doesn't stick. I just don't like the way it plays. But I have to admit, with pets and burst DPS, sorcs can be pretty attractive.
I do have a templar. She struggles. I like the character so I try to play her regularly but she's now V2 and she does die maybe once every couple of hours. I have to be pretty careful with a I play and forget soloing any group content.
In fact, I stopped even trying to run group dungeons with her unless I'm in a group. No matter how I distribute my skill and attribute points, she can only sustain with others. I've must have read a dozen Templar builds and they all focus on two things: using 2h or a staff as a weapon. Since I do neither of those things ... yeah.
Shortly after I got her to V1, I rolled a nightblade again. I, too, though it seemed a little like easy mode. I'm leveling her to V1 and really the only time I die is when I'm not paying attention.
IrishGirlGamer wrote: »I've had several players tell me the same thing. In one guild, two people have regularly urged me to roll a sorcerer for the "benefits." But I have tried to roll a sorcerer and play it ... and it just doesn't stick. I just don't like the way it plays. But I have to admit, with pets and burst DPS, sorcs can be pretty attractive.
I do have a templar. She struggles. I like the character so I try to play her regularly but she's now V2 and she does die maybe once every couple of hours. I have to be pretty careful with a I play and forget soloing any group content.
In fact, I stopped even trying to run group dungeons with her unless I'm in a group. No matter how I distribute my skill and attribute points, she can only sustain with others. I've must have read a dozen Templar builds and they all focus on two things: using 2h or a staff as a weapon. Since I do neither of those things ... yeah.
Shortly after I got her to V1, I rolled a nightblade again. I, too, though it seemed a little like easy mode. I'm leveling her to V1 and really the only time I die is when I'm not paying attention.
IrishGirlGamer wrote: »I've had several players tell me the same thing. In one guild, two people have regularly urged me to roll a sorcerer for the "benefits." But I have tried to roll a sorcerer and play it ... and it just doesn't stick. I just don't like the way it plays. But I have to admit, with pets and burst DPS, sorcs can be pretty attractive.
I do have a templar. She struggles. I like the character so I try to play her regularly but she's now V2 and she does die maybe once every couple of hours. I have to be pretty careful with a I play and forget soloing any group content.
In fact, I stopped even trying to run group dungeons with her unless I'm in a group. No matter how I distribute my skill and attribute points, she can only sustain with others. I've must have read a dozen Templar builds and they all focus on two things: using 2h or a staff as a weapon. Since I do neither of those things ... yeah.
Shortly after I got her to V1, I rolled a nightblade again. I, too, though it seemed a little like easy mode. I'm leveling her to V1 and really the only time I die is when I'm not paying attention.
Magicka Templar is the best for soloing content imo. Our strongest DPS skill is an AoE cone attack that heals us...Puncturing Sweep. You can have this slotted with DW (Twin Blade & Blunt passive works well with it), 2H, destro, resto, heck even a bow and you'll still overheal most, if not all, damage with Sweeps while you kill everything. The more enemies the better too.
Sit on Channeled Focus for resources and spam Sweeps while you kill everything. Slot Repentance even to heal and restore stamina for each add/person you kill and done. Easy solo content.
Lightninvash wrote: »The can't do sustained DPS. All Sorc DPS is burst centric which is horrible for vMoL (the most worthwhile PvE atm). Also a DPS Sorc isn't better than a proper tank...yours just might have sucked.
yeah im not gna lie and say I am a great tank on my sorc by any means(no agro skills or tank exp) but managed to kite the boss while doing dps to it. The healer kept rezing everyone so I had to kite keep shields up and use my healing ward but wasn't too hard. Then just had to finish boss while he chased me in circles lol. because the "tank" didn't use agro skills just spammed dark flare.
also what about liquid lightning isn't that sustain dps? since its duration aoe. ik it is only one skill minus lightning form that does aoe damage. I also use my atronach for aoe damage as well. That isn't sustained?The list of things sorcs can't do:
- Restore other people's stamina
- efficiently crowd control mobs (through chains, talons, w/e)
- be top tier at stamina
That's pretty much the list of what a sorc can't do. Otherwise, hardened ward is crazy good at keeping you alive, and overload melts face. I wouldn't try a bow sorc. I have. Underoptimized is a nice word for it.
see that's semi depressing in all the other TES games I have been a bow wielding mage haha. and so I stayed away form sorcs since I cant use bow as effectively with magicka in this game.
IrishGirlGamer wrote: »I've had several players tell me the same thing. In one guild, two people have regularly urged me to roll a sorcerer for the "benefits." But I have tried to roll a sorcerer and play it ... and it just doesn't stick. I just don't like the way it plays. But I have to admit, with pets and burst DPS, sorcs can be pretty attractive.
I do have a templar. She struggles. I like the character so I try to play her regularly but she's now V2 and she does die maybe once every couple of hours. I have to be pretty careful with a I play and forget soloing any group content.
In fact, I stopped even trying to run group dungeons with her unless I'm in a group. No matter how I distribute my skill and attribute points, she can only sustain with others. I've must have read a dozen Templar builds and they all focus on two things: using 2h or a staff as a weapon. Since I do neither of those things ... yeah.
Shortly after I got her to V1, I rolled a nightblade again. I, too, though it seemed a little like easy mode. I'm leveling her to V1 and really the only time I die is when I'm not paying attention.
Magicka Templar is the best for soloing content imo. Our strongest DPS skill is an AoE cone attack that heals us...Puncturing Sweep. You can have this slotted with DW (Twin Blade & Blunt passive works well with it), 2H, destro, resto, heck even a bow and you'll still overheal most, if not all, damage with Sweeps while you kill everything. The more enemies the better too.
Sit on Channeled Focus for resources and spam Sweeps while you kill everything. Slot Repentance even to heal and restore stamina for each add/person you kill and done. Easy solo content.
Khaos_Bane wrote: »IrishGirlGamer wrote: »I've had several players tell me the same thing. In one guild, two people have regularly urged me to roll a sorcerer for the "benefits." But I have tried to roll a sorcerer and play it ... and it just doesn't stick. I just don't like the way it plays. But I have to admit, with pets and burst DPS, sorcs can be pretty attractive.
I do have a templar. She struggles. I like the character so I try to play her regularly but she's now V2 and she does die maybe once every couple of hours. I have to be pretty careful with a I play and forget soloing any group content.
In fact, I stopped even trying to run group dungeons with her unless I'm in a group. No matter how I distribute my skill and attribute points, she can only sustain with others. I've must have read a dozen Templar builds and they all focus on two things: using 2h or a staff as a weapon. Since I do neither of those things ... yeah.
Shortly after I got her to V1, I rolled a nightblade again. I, too, though it seemed a little like easy mode. I'm leveling her to V1 and really the only time I die is when I'm not paying attention.
Magicka Templar is the best for soloing content imo. Our strongest DPS skill is an AoE cone attack that heals us...Puncturing Sweep. You can have this slotted with DW (Twin Blade & Blunt passive works well with it), 2H, destro, resto, heck even a bow and you'll still overheal most, if not all, damage with Sweeps while you kill everything. The more enemies the better too.
Sit on Channeled Focus for resources and spam Sweeps while you kill everything. Slot Repentance even to heal and restore stamina for each add/person you kill and done. Easy solo content.
Yeah MAG Templar is pretty easy as well, I just find them SO BORING.
dodgehopper_ESO wrote: »Lightninvash wrote: »The can't do sustained DPS. All Sorc DPS is burst centric which is horrible for vMoL (the most worthwhile PvE atm). Also a DPS Sorc isn't better than a proper tank...yours just might have sucked.
yeah im not gna lie and say I am a great tank on my sorc by any means(no agro skills or tank exp) but managed to kite the boss while doing dps to it. The healer kept rezing everyone so I had to kite keep shields up and use my healing ward but wasn't too hard. Then just had to finish boss while he chased me in circles lol. because the "tank" didn't use agro skills just spammed dark flare.
also what about liquid lightning isn't that sustain dps? since its duration aoe. ik it is only one skill minus lightning form that does aoe damage. I also use my atronach for aoe damage as well. That isn't sustained?The list of things sorcs can't do:
- Restore other people's stamina
- efficiently crowd control mobs (through chains, talons, w/e)
- be top tier at stamina
That's pretty much the list of what a sorc can't do. Otherwise, hardened ward is crazy good at keeping you alive, and overload melts face. I wouldn't try a bow sorc. I have. Underoptimized is a nice word for it.
see that's semi depressing in all the other TES games I have been a bow wielding mage haha. and so I stayed away form sorcs since I cant use bow as effectively with magicka in this game.
To be fair though every class is a 'mage'. I'll just in rough strokes describe the magical schools of each class:
Templar: Restoration (obviously), Destruction (to a lesser extent), Mysticism, and maybe some Alteration (with the spears).
DK: Alteration (all those rocks and spikes), Destruction (All that Fire), Restoration (whip-heal, dragon breathing, ulti restore).
NB: Illusion (Cloak, shadow image, Fear, etc), Destruction (most siphoning type attacks), Restoration (those siphoning moves), Alteration(or maybe mysticism) for the daggers from the ether.
Lightninvash wrote: »dodgehopper_ESO wrote: »Lightninvash wrote: »The can't do sustained DPS. All Sorc DPS is burst centric which is horrible for vMoL (the most worthwhile PvE atm). Also a DPS Sorc isn't better than a proper tank...yours just might have sucked.
yeah im not gna lie and say I am a great tank on my sorc by any means(no agro skills or tank exp) but managed to kite the boss while doing dps to it. The healer kept rezing everyone so I had to kite keep shields up and use my healing ward but wasn't too hard. Then just had to finish boss while he chased me in circles lol. because the "tank" didn't use agro skills just spammed dark flare.
also what about liquid lightning isn't that sustain dps? since its duration aoe. ik it is only one skill minus lightning form that does aoe damage. I also use my atronach for aoe damage as well. That isn't sustained?The list of things sorcs can't do:
- Restore other people's stamina
- efficiently crowd control mobs (through chains, talons, w/e)
- be top tier at stamina
That's pretty much the list of what a sorc can't do. Otherwise, hardened ward is crazy good at keeping you alive, and overload melts face. I wouldn't try a bow sorc. I have. Underoptimized is a nice word for it.
see that's semi depressing in all the other TES games I have been a bow wielding mage haha. and so I stayed away form sorcs since I cant use bow as effectively with magicka in this game.
To be fair though every class is a 'mage'. I'll just in rough strokes describe the magical schools of each class:
Templar: Restoration (obviously), Destruction (to a lesser extent), Mysticism, and maybe some Alteration (with the spears).
DK: Alteration (all those rocks and spikes), Destruction (All that Fire), Restoration (whip-heal, dragon breathing, ulti restore).
NB: Illusion (Cloak, shadow image, Fear, etc), Destruction (most siphoning type attacks), Restoration (those siphoning moves), Alteration(or maybe mysticism) for the daggers from the ether.
to be more specific I was a destruction mage wielding bow user sometimes some conjuration when I would summon weapons to fight with. I would deal massive damage with my magika when they got close but at a far I would snipe them in the head with sneak damage and crit to 1shot most trash mobs pulling any others in the near areas to be sniped out and nuked when got closer. That style of gameplay is not viable end game. And I would like to participate in trials and pvp and not be a gimp to the team. if that explains the style of combat I crave. @dodgehopper_ESO
dodgehopper_ESO wrote: »Lightninvash wrote: »dodgehopper_ESO wrote: »Lightninvash wrote: »The can't do sustained DPS. All Sorc DPS is burst centric which is horrible for vMoL (the most worthwhile PvE atm). Also a DPS Sorc isn't better than a proper tank...yours just might have sucked.
yeah im not gna lie and say I am a great tank on my sorc by any means(no agro skills or tank exp) but managed to kite the boss while doing dps to it. The healer kept rezing everyone so I had to kite keep shields up and use my healing ward but wasn't too hard. Then just had to finish boss while he chased me in circles lol. because the "tank" didn't use agro skills just spammed dark flare.
also what about liquid lightning isn't that sustain dps? since its duration aoe. ik it is only one skill minus lightning form that does aoe damage. I also use my atronach for aoe damage as well. That isn't sustained?The list of things sorcs can't do:
- Restore other people's stamina
- efficiently crowd control mobs (through chains, talons, w/e)
- be top tier at stamina
That's pretty much the list of what a sorc can't do. Otherwise, hardened ward is crazy good at keeping you alive, and overload melts face. I wouldn't try a bow sorc. I have. Underoptimized is a nice word for it.
see that's semi depressing in all the other TES games I have been a bow wielding mage haha. and so I stayed away form sorcs since I cant use bow as effectively with magicka in this game.
To be fair though every class is a 'mage'. I'll just in rough strokes describe the magical schools of each class:
Templar: Restoration (obviously), Destruction (to a lesser extent), Mysticism, and maybe some Alteration (with the spears).
DK: Alteration (all those rocks and spikes), Destruction (All that Fire), Restoration (whip-heal, dragon breathing, ulti restore).
NB: Illusion (Cloak, shadow image, Fear, etc), Destruction (most siphoning type attacks), Restoration (those siphoning moves), Alteration(or maybe mysticism) for the daggers from the ether.
to be more specific I was a destruction mage wielding bow user sometimes some conjuration when I would summon weapons to fight with. I would deal massive damage with my magika when they got close but at a far I would snipe them in the head with sneak damage and crit to 1shot most trash mobs pulling any others in the near areas to be sniped out and nuked when got closer. That style of gameplay is not viable end game. And I would like to participate in trials and pvp and not be a gimp to the team. if that explains the style of combat I crave. @dodgehopper_ESO
I noticed I actually didn't mention Sorcerer, so I'll wrap up the thought here then reply
Sorcerer: Conjuration, Destruction (Lightning), Mysticism, and maybe Alteration
I know how you feel about it. This game doesn't have bound weapons either which would really flesh out the style you're going for. I played a bound weapons build once on Skyrim, and it was fun. It wasn't my strongest build but it had its own style for sure. If that's what you're going for this game doesn't have that right now. Part of the problem is the removal of soft caps, and the emphasis being changed in game balance from trying to balance multiple attributes to attempting to dial up one damage attribute as far as you can go without getting one-shot. On the ability to switch builds, I do find it a little annoying having to change my build to suit whatever gameplay I'm heading into.
Lightninvash wrote: »dodgehopper_ESO wrote: »Lightninvash wrote: »dodgehopper_ESO wrote: »Lightninvash wrote: »The can't do sustained DPS. All Sorc DPS is burst centric which is horrible for vMoL (the most worthwhile PvE atm). Also a DPS Sorc isn't better than a proper tank...yours just might have sucked.
yeah im not gna lie and say I am a great tank on my sorc by any means(no agro skills or tank exp) but managed to kite the boss while doing dps to it. The healer kept rezing everyone so I had to kite keep shields up and use my healing ward but wasn't too hard. Then just had to finish boss while he chased me in circles lol. because the "tank" didn't use agro skills just spammed dark flare.
also what about liquid lightning isn't that sustain dps? since its duration aoe. ik it is only one skill minus lightning form that does aoe damage. I also use my atronach for aoe damage as well. That isn't sustained?The list of things sorcs can't do:
- Restore other people's stamina
- efficiently crowd control mobs (through chains, talons, w/e)
- be top tier at stamina
That's pretty much the list of what a sorc can't do. Otherwise, hardened ward is crazy good at keeping you alive, and overload melts face. I wouldn't try a bow sorc. I have. Underoptimized is a nice word for it.
see that's semi depressing in all the other TES games I have been a bow wielding mage haha. and so I stayed away form sorcs since I cant use bow as effectively with magicka in this game.
To be fair though every class is a 'mage'. I'll just in rough strokes describe the magical schools of each class:
Templar: Restoration (obviously), Destruction (to a lesser extent), Mysticism, and maybe some Alteration (with the spears).
DK: Alteration (all those rocks and spikes), Destruction (All that Fire), Restoration (whip-heal, dragon breathing, ulti restore).
NB: Illusion (Cloak, shadow image, Fear, etc), Destruction (most siphoning type attacks), Restoration (those siphoning moves), Alteration(or maybe mysticism) for the daggers from the ether.
to be more specific I was a destruction mage wielding bow user sometimes some conjuration when I would summon weapons to fight with. I would deal massive damage with my magika when they got close but at a far I would snipe them in the head with sneak damage and crit to 1shot most trash mobs pulling any others in the near areas to be sniped out and nuked when got closer. That style of gameplay is not viable end game. And I would like to participate in trials and pvp and not be a gimp to the team. if that explains the style of combat I crave. @dodgehopper_ESO
I noticed I actually didn't mention Sorcerer, so I'll wrap up the thought here then reply
Sorcerer: Conjuration, Destruction (Lightning), Mysticism, and maybe Alteration
I know how you feel about it. This game doesn't have bound weapons either which would really flesh out the style you're going for. I played a bound weapons build once on Skyrim, and it was fun. It wasn't my strongest build but it had its own style for sure. If that's what you're going for this game doesn't have that right now. Part of the problem is the removal of soft caps, and the emphasis being changed in game balance from trying to balance multiple attributes to attempting to dial up one damage attribute as far as you can go without getting one-shot. On the ability to switch builds, I do find it a little annoying having to change my build to suit whatever gameplay I'm heading into.
yeah it is the only thing that held me back from making a sorc because I know I would want to build a hybrid so I could do both but since I cant I settled for magicka and it is fun but I miss my bow haha. but without freestyle aiming it makes bows feel boring oh look chest shot chest shot special chest shot. let me free aim it and hit your head with a crit x2 dmg hit u in the leg to make u run slower haha etc.
dodgehopper_ESO wrote: »Lightninvash wrote: »dodgehopper_ESO wrote: »Lightninvash wrote: »dodgehopper_ESO wrote: »Lightninvash wrote: »The can't do sustained DPS. All Sorc DPS is burst centric which is horrible for vMoL (the most worthwhile PvE atm). Also a DPS Sorc isn't better than a proper tank...yours just might have sucked.
yeah im not gna lie and say I am a great tank on my sorc by any means(no agro skills or tank exp) but managed to kite the boss while doing dps to it. The healer kept rezing everyone so I had to kite keep shields up and use my healing ward but wasn't too hard. Then just had to finish boss while he chased me in circles lol. because the "tank" didn't use agro skills just spammed dark flare.
also what about liquid lightning isn't that sustain dps? since its duration aoe. ik it is only one skill minus lightning form that does aoe damage. I also use my atronach for aoe damage as well. That isn't sustained?The list of things sorcs can't do:
- Restore other people's stamina
- efficiently crowd control mobs (through chains, talons, w/e)
- be top tier at stamina
That's pretty much the list of what a sorc can't do. Otherwise, hardened ward is crazy good at keeping you alive, and overload melts face. I wouldn't try a bow sorc. I have. Underoptimized is a nice word for it.
see that's semi depressing in all the other TES games I have been a bow wielding mage haha. and so I stayed away form sorcs since I cant use bow as effectively with magicka in this game.
To be fair though every class is a 'mage'. I'll just in rough strokes describe the magical schools of each class:
Templar: Restoration (obviously), Destruction (to a lesser extent), Mysticism, and maybe some Alteration (with the spears).
DK: Alteration (all those rocks and spikes), Destruction (All that Fire), Restoration (whip-heal, dragon breathing, ulti restore).
NB: Illusion (Cloak, shadow image, Fear, etc), Destruction (most siphoning type attacks), Restoration (those siphoning moves), Alteration(or maybe mysticism) for the daggers from the ether.
to be more specific I was a destruction mage wielding bow user sometimes some conjuration when I would summon weapons to fight with. I would deal massive damage with my magika when they got close but at a far I would snipe them in the head with sneak damage and crit to 1shot most trash mobs pulling any others in the near areas to be sniped out and nuked when got closer. That style of gameplay is not viable end game. And I would like to participate in trials and pvp and not be a gimp to the team. if that explains the style of combat I crave. @dodgehopper_ESO
I noticed I actually didn't mention Sorcerer, so I'll wrap up the thought here then reply
Sorcerer: Conjuration, Destruction (Lightning), Mysticism, and maybe Alteration
I know how you feel about it. This game doesn't have bound weapons either which would really flesh out the style you're going for. I played a bound weapons build once on Skyrim, and it was fun. It wasn't my strongest build but it had its own style for sure. If that's what you're going for this game doesn't have that right now. Part of the problem is the removal of soft caps, and the emphasis being changed in game balance from trying to balance multiple attributes to attempting to dial up one damage attribute as far as you can go without getting one-shot. On the ability to switch builds, I do find it a little annoying having to change my build to suit whatever gameplay I'm heading into.
yeah it is the only thing that held me back from making a sorc because I know I would want to build a hybrid so I could do both but since I cant I settled for magicka and it is fun but I miss my bow haha. but without freestyle aiming it makes bows feel boring oh look chest shot chest shot special chest shot. let me free aim it and hit your head with a crit x2 dmg hit u in the leg to make u run slower haha etc.
I have to agree with you there, archery definitely felt more compelling in Skyrim. You actually had to factor in a sense of gravity, and some bows were more powerful than others so it took some getting accustomed to.
dodgehopper_ESO wrote: »I'd love bound weapons in the game.