Is anything over 3000 considered a good wep dam at vet 16? I'm a vet 16 stam DK that currently has a wep dam of 4800. Problem is I'm sacrificing a lot of my stamina regeneration to get this. My stamina regeneration is only at 800,and it's not working out so good atm. So I was going to drop my wep dam down enough to get my stamina regeneration up to about 2000. I figure it's going to take my wep down to around 3000+. I figure if I can sustain more wep dam output over a longer time that would be better than running out of stam quicker with a higher wep dam. This seem like a good idea?
I use 5 hundings and night mother's,and it's all legendary. My weapons atm are night mother's,2 daggers,2h sword all legendary. Jewelry is 3 piece agility with robust.