WTF is with people that trash talk you after a fight and then mute you before you can respond back? Like how childish and insecure are they can't listen to your response? A guy tried to gank me off my mount and I quickly turned it around on him, I ended up dying but then he died from a dot right after. A guy rezs me and I walk over to dishonor his corpse and this fool trash talks and then mutes me...... And this happens all the damn time lol! What are they scared I might hurt their fragile ego if they hear what I have to say? The amount that this happens to me I can't help but think that this is a common thing people do. Is it? Who else has this crap happen to them?
Edited by xxslam48xxb14_ESO on April 13, 2016 7:07PM I wrote a poem that I titled, "The ganker's delight."
As you lay upon the ground, cry not little pawn.
The pain will pass as quickly as my blade did take you,
but my delight will last and you will respawn.
My heart simply cannot contain my joy, when I ply my trade.
The fault lies with you, your skill was lacking.
Now your salt is mine forever, can't you hear the laughing?
Once you were so proud and now you are reduced to this.
A miserable, loud deuced fool.
With every tear you drip, with every excuse you let slip.
All of your insecurities and worries bring a smile to my lip.
From your despair I have ripped endless glories,
but our affair is over now. Be afraid for I will return for more.
I have received many titles, to my allies I am The sniper Emperor and Grand champion hero of the Pact. However these titles mean little to me, it is the ones given to me by my victims that I prefer. To them I am "Xv1er", "trash", "no balls", "zerger", "noob", "cringe", "no skill", "camper", "100% new", "the reason this game is dying", "pathetic", "a sack of piece of [snip]", "mediocre", "absolute inbred", "beyond a virgin", "ganky dork", "fat smelly 40yr old virgin", "little girl", "daddy", "exploiting loser", and every [snipped] word known to man.