Every few months, Zos gives us a major update with some game changing modifications to the game. Doing so, Zos splits its own resources trying to satisfy a big part of its customers. The changes and improvements would be much more efficient if Zos would focus their resources in one particular part of the game. Which need of the community should Zos focus on:
Edited by silverhammer92 on April 13, 2016 3:36PM Found a typo? Keep it!
(Wer Schreibfehler findet darf sie behalten.)
@Zos: please focus on: 9 votes
Improve the performance (e.g. lags)

2 votes
Eliminate Bugs
1 vote
Balance the different classes, races and equipment

2 votes
Improve customer service
1 vote
Develop more single player content
Develop more group content
Develop more PVP content
1 vote
Continue like Zos is doing without putting a focus on anything
1 vote
1 vote