I'm an old player returning after an absence of about 9 months or so. I've sort of forgotten how the guild store works I think. I'm looking for good store (sellers) guilds with plenty of players. I'm searching the guilds I had all those months ago and all they seem to have is the tabard which makes me think they no longer are active. I've noticed that the search is a bit buggy. I just joined a guild and it took 2 or 3 search attempts before it displayed any items. Also I set conditions for level 1 min and level 15 max and I got product for all levels.
So anyway, I would love to join some guilds, I have 4 guilds spots available to me. Lots of players in the guild and lots of sellers. I will in turn kindly put for sale my own items once I've progressed a bit with my new character.
If this message is in the wrong forum area my sincere apologies,
Thanks heaps