40k max Magicka without food?

Is it possible? I'm a sorc and I've started using drinks to try them out, I enjoy the high Regen but of course I don't hit as hard, is it possible to still have a max Magicka of 40k without using food?

Thanks for the replies.

  • wookikiller95
    Depends on gear CP abilities
    Look on youtube for legendary mage recent Max magicka sorc Build i think its buy 45k magicka...
  • Liofa
    Aaaaaaand there is this guy :

    I don't know if he can still do that , but ... why the hell not ?
  • Lafer
    Liofa wrote: »
    Aaaaaaand there is this guy :

    I don't know if he can still do that , but ... why the hell not ?

    Fake its impossible even with the mundus stone and single stat food.
    Healordiet templar healer
    Gigi Lafer magicka Sorc
    Tankotank Dk tank
    Ebonpact cp531 Na Ps4.

    Quebec Machine leader.
  • wookikiller95
    Lafer wrote: »
    Liofa wrote: »
    Aaaaaaand there is this guy :

    I don't know if he can still do that , but ... why the hell not ?

    Fake its impossible even with the mundus stone and single stat food.

    Maybe emperor buff
  • lolo_01b16_ESO
    Sure it's possible, the question is if it makes sense to sacrifice all spell damage / crit just to get that much magicka. Might be ok for a fun pet build, but not if you plan to maximize your damage output.
  • Liofa
    One word : Necropotence
  • Septimus_Magna
    Yes, its very possible if you get a couple set boni that boost max magicka.
    The values from food give a flat increase so the magicka value of food isnt increased by passives.

    Try a setup like:
    4x Elemental Succession (4x light)
    3x Willpower (3x arcane jewelry)
    4x Magnus (staff + 1x light + 1x medium + 1x heavy chest)

    Small pieces divines and big pieces infused.
    Max magicka enchants on all gear pieces.
    The Mage mundus stone (may not be needed).

    The 5 light/1 medium/1 heavy setup increases health/mag/stam by 6% if you have the Undaunted Mettle passive.
    Magicka racials passives (Altmer, Breton or Dunmer) boost max magicka by 9-10%.
    Slot Inner Light to increase max magicka by 7%.
    Bound Aegis as sorc and Siphoning ability as NB to get an additional 8% boost to max magicka.

    The disadvantage is that your health will be pretty low if you dont use Orzorga's health/regen buff food.

    Edited by Septimus_Magna on April 12, 2016 12:33PM
    PC - EU (AD)
    Septimus Mezar - Altmer Sorcerer
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    Septimus Nerox - Redguard Warden
    Septimus Ozurk - Orsimer Sorcerer
  • bowmanz607
    Lafer wrote: »
    Liofa wrote: »
    Aaaaaaand there is this guy :

    I don't know if he can still do that , but ... why the hell not ?

    Fake its impossible even with the mundus stone and single stat food.

    Hmmm idk. Every other Stat is pretty low. Figure 10%max mag from high elf, 5% from mag light, mundus with all gold gear and Magik Mundial stone, green food, all stats into mag, undaunted passive, bound armor, gold glyphs, maybe master or malstrome weapons, and gear customer tailored so that every piece worn has max mag8ka as set bonus.
  • Septimus_Magna
    Lafer wrote: »
    Liofa wrote: »
    Aaaaaaand there is this guy :

    I don't know if he can still do that , but ... why the hell not ?

    Fake its impossible even with the mundus stone and single stat food.

    Lol, I get 43k (46k with warhorn) with a max spell dmg build (4.9k spell dmg fully buffed) and Thief mundus (67% spell crit) on my Altmer sorc with Inner Light and Bound Aegis, link here. Without v15 blue buff food (4936 magicka) that leaves roughly 38k max magicka.

    So I would get almost 40k max magicka just by switching to The Mage mundus stone.
    This is with 5x Julianos, 2x Molag Kena, 2x Torugs Pact and 3x Willpower which only offers a little magicka.
    Edited by Septimus_Magna on April 12, 2016 12:47PM
    PC - EU (AD)
    Septimus Mezar - Altmer Sorcerer
    Septimus Rulanir - Orsimer Templar
    Septimus Desmoru - Khajiit Necromancer
    Septimus Iroh - Dunmer Dragon Knight
    Septimus Thragar - Dunmer Nightblade
    Septimus Jah'zar - Khajiit Nightblade
    Septimus Nerox - Redguard Warden
    Septimus Ozurk - Orsimer Sorcerer
  • psychotic13
    Liofa wrote: »
    Aaaaaaand there is this guy :

    I don't know if he can still do that , but ... why the hell not ?

    Yeah I seen this guy comment in the 'show your sorc' thread, if I recall correctly he was using necropotence, which isn't optimal for a build as there's no vr16 version.

    Lafer wrote: »
    Liofa wrote: »
    Aaaaaaand there is this guy :

    I don't know if he can still do that , but ... why the hell not ?

    Fake its impossible even with the mundus stone and single stat food.

    Lol, I get 43k (46k with warhorn) with a max spell dmg build (4.9k spell dmg fully buffed) and Thief mundus (67% spell crit) on my Altmer sorc with Inner Light and Bound Aegis, link here. Without v15 blue buff food (4936 magicka) that leaves roughly 38k max magicka.

    So I would get almost 40k max magicka just by switching to The Mage mundus stone.
    This is with 5x Julianos, 2x Molag Kena, 2x Torugs Pact and 3x Willpower which only offers a little magicka.

    Yeah I guess using bound aegis and the Mage Mundus would make the difference, I'd be ok with running the made but bound aegis isn't the best skill imo, need the slot on my bar for other skills!

    Do you have the undaunted passive?

    Wish they'd make Max Magicka + Magicka Recovery food. I guess it could be OP though.
    Edited by psychotic13 on April 12, 2016 1:01PM
  • wookikiller95
    Its unpossible to reach +50k Max magicka without emp buff
  • Liofa
    Its unpossible to reach +50k Max magicka without emp buff

    I said necropotence , my friend .


    Go to the 17th post for his builds that he actually use and go to 30th for the items and other stuff .

    As you know , being Emperor boosts HP and he has 11k HP . So it is not the Emperor bonus .
  • Septimus_Magna

    Yeah I guess using bound aegis and the Mage Mundus would make the difference, I'd be ok with running the made but bound aegis isn't the best skill imo, need the slot on my bar for other skills!

    Do you have the undaunted passive?

    Wish they'd make Max Magicka + Magicka Recovery food. I guess it could be OP though.

    Yeah, got all the passives.

    Without Bound Aegis (8% max magicka) and buff food it will be tricky.
    Maybe if you go for S&B with infused shield + max magicka enchant but that would be a different play style.

    Value wise its probably better to get tri-stat buff food and get regen from Atronach mundus and 1pc Bloodspawn for example.
    PC - EU (AD)
    Septimus Mezar - Altmer Sorcerer
    Septimus Rulanir - Orsimer Templar
    Septimus Desmoru - Khajiit Necromancer
    Septimus Iroh - Dunmer Dragon Knight
    Septimus Thragar - Dunmer Nightblade
    Septimus Jah'zar - Khajiit Nightblade
    Septimus Nerox - Redguard Warden
    Septimus Ozurk - Orsimer Sorcerer
  • bowmanz607
    Its unpossible to reach +50k Max magicka without emp buff

    I disagree. With what I mentioned plus the the nocropancy set, seems completely doable.
  • DHale
    Go Mage Mundus, undaunted 9 with 5-1-1, all infused or better all divines, four seducer five Magnus inner light bound aegis 501 cp. Way over 40 k close to 50 k. Vr 12 necropence with pets over 50.
    Sorcerna, proud beta sorc. RIP April 2014 to May 31 2016 DArk Brotherhood. Out of retirement for negates and encases. Sorcerna will be going back into retirement to be my main crafter Fall 2018. Because an 8 k shield is f ing useless. Died because of baddies on the forum. Too much qq too little pew pew. 16 AD 2 DC. 0 EP cause they bad, CP 2300 plus 18 level 50 toons. NA, PC, Grey Host#SORCLIVESMATTER actually they don’t or they wouldn’t keep getting nerfed constantly.
  • Mcwoods55
    DHale wrote: »
    Go Mage Mundus, undaunted 9 with 5-1-1, all infused or better all divines, four seducer five Magnus inner light bound aegis 501 cp. Way over 40 k close to 50 k. Vr 12 necropence with pets over 50.

    Would you get more out of doing 3 seducer, 3 magnus, and 2 eye of mara. You get more that way without obtaining the 5 piece set trade off..

    I was looking at my templar and thought about running a setup like that for more exp and regen.
  • bowmanz607
    You know I have never tried necro on my nb. Should give that a shot.
  • Mcwoods55
    bowmanz607 wrote: »
    You know I have never tried necro on my nb. Should give that a shot.

    It's really only good for pet builds because of the 5 piece trait.
  • bowmanz607
    Mcwoods55 wrote: »
    bowmanz607 wrote: »
    You know I have never tried necro on my nb. Should give that a shot.

    It's really only good for pet builds because of the 5 piece trait.

    Nb shades count as pets :)
  • psychotic13

    Yeah I guess using bound aegis and the Mage Mundus would make the difference, I'd be ok with running the made but bound aegis isn't the best skill imo, need the slot on my bar for other skills!

    Do you have the undaunted passive?

    Wish they'd make Max Magicka + Magicka Recovery food. I guess it could be OP though.

    Yeah, got all the passives.

    Without Bound Aegis (8% max magicka) and buff food it will be tricky.
    Maybe if you go for S&B with infused shield + max magicka enchant but that would be a different play style.

    Value wise its probably better to get tri-stat buff food and get regen from Atronach mundus and 1pc Bloodspawn for example.

    Yeah I'm more PvP and I don't think bound aegis would be a good option, may try sword and bored because I use dw for pvp, so the play style would be similar just Less spell damage.

    I run 5 piece Julianos and 5 piece clever alchemist, changing Julianos to kagrenacs would also give a bit more Regen too. Huge effort in waiting for traits to go from 7 to 8 to make it though.

  • psychotic13
    bowmanz607 wrote: »
    Mcwoods55 wrote: »
    bowmanz607 wrote: »
    You know I have never tried necro on my nb. Should give that a shot.

    It's really only good for pet builds because of the 5 piece trait.

    Nb shades count as pets :)

    Wouldn't be as successful though as they have a duration.
  • Kwivur
    4 pc Spell Power Cure, 2 pc Magnus and 2 pc Kags for the max magicka build.. Infused on big pieces and divines on the rest, while using the mage mundus. All V16 legendary would be as max magicka as you can get with a touch of spell damage. Hp would be low, but with that kind of magic pool, your shields would be insanely strong.. lol
  • Wreuntzylla
    Sure it's possible, the question is if it makes sense to sacrifice all spell damage / crit just to get that much magicka. Might be ok for a fun pet build, but not if you plan to maximize your damage output.

    If I remember correctly, the damage ratio of magicka to spell power is roughly 10.5 to 1. So, assuming the average sorc runs with 40k magicka, the guy in the pic has 24k above that, which translates to roughly 2.3k spell power. So, in order to do the same amount of damage, the 40k magicka guy needs about 4k spell power.

  • Erraln
    If I remember correctly, the damage ratio of magicka to spell power is roughly 10.5 to 1. So, assuming the average sorc runs with 40k magicka, the guy in the pic has 24k above that, which translates to roughly 2.3k spell power. So, in order to do the same amount of damage, the 40k magicka guy needs about 4k spell power.

    Yea, but they're giving up a crit stone, useful gear traits, and blue food just to cheeseball a high magic number. Giving up the HP gain from blue food is a vitality loss, even after accounting for the increased strength granted to a max-bastion Hardened Ward. It's also negligent towards your healer, if you have one, to give them so small a percentage of your vitality that they can affect.

    It's probably still effective for what they want to do with it, though. :)
  • bowmanz607
    bowmanz607 wrote: »
    Mcwoods55 wrote: »
    bowmanz607 wrote: »
    You know I have never tried necro on my nb. Should give that a shot.

    It's really only good for pet builds because of the 5 piece trait.

    Nb shades count as pets :)

    Wouldn't be as successful though as they have a duration.

    Right. But when I run it I usually have it up. Also, summon shade is much more useful in pvp then sorc pets
  • psychotic13
    bowmanz607 wrote: »
    bowmanz607 wrote: »
    Mcwoods55 wrote: »
    bowmanz607 wrote: »
    You know I have never tried necro on my nb. Should give that a shot.

    It's really only good for pet builds because of the 5 piece trait.

    Nb shades count as pets :)

    Wouldn't be as successful though as they have a duration.

    Right. But when I run it I usually have it up. Also, summon shade is much more useful in pvp then sorc pets

    Summon shade is more useful in PvP I agree, but in terms of having the 5piece bonus active all the time, pets win hands down.
  • Jsmalls
    Kwivur wrote: »
    4 pc Spell Power Cure, 2 pc Magnus and 2 pc Kags for the max magicka build.. Infused on big pieces and divines on the rest, while using the mage mundus. All V16 legendary would be as max magicka as you can get with a touch of spell damage. Hp would be low, but with that kind of magic pool, your shields would be insanely strong.. lol

    I think this setup below gives you slightly higher max magicka.

    It's very possible but hard to achieve a build that would make it viable.

    My ideas are to run 4x Succession (2 jewellery arcane), 3 spell power cure, 1 Molag Kena, 3 willpower (1 jewellery arcane) front bar (dual willpower swords), 1 sword willpower back bar, 2 Kags back bar 1 shield and 1 piece body. With the mage mundus you'll still secure 3200 spell damage on your DPS bar while maintaining roughly 51000 max magicka, and around 55000 on your back bar for your Wards. This is with dual stat health and magicka food, running inner light, bound aegis, and meteor and entropy on your back bar. So if you factor out dual stat food you'll still have well over 40000 max magicka, BUT you are gimped to 3 abilities on each bar (2 are taken from toggles)

    Hope that helps.
    Edited by Jsmalls on April 12, 2016 8:47PM
  • Americanfunguy
    My magicka NB hits 45k max macika with food, so around 38.8k without a food buff.
    Flawless Conqueror 6 times over.
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  • Omgwtfbbq321
    For a Magicka sorc, how does CP affect any mas attribute?
    My ping is higher than your resource recovery...
  • Johngo0036
    Lafer wrote: »
    Liofa wrote: »
    Aaaaaaand there is this guy :

    I don't know if he can still do that , but ... why the hell not ?

    Fake its impossible even with the mundus stone and single stat food.

    Its possible,
    I actually know this player and she hits like a ton of bricks...
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    Altmer Magicka Nightblade | Miss Chewbucca(EP)
    Argonian Magicka Templar | Walks-With-Friends(EP)
    Argonian Templar Healer | Dr Toxic(EP)
    Orc Stamina Sorc | Lady Streaks-Alot(DC)
    Dunmer Magicka DK | Whips-n-Chains(DC)
    Nord Warden | Demi Tank(DC)
    Dunmer Magicka Warden | Crafter-O-Crafts(DC)
    Bosmer Stamplar | Forest-Plump(DC)
    Argonian Hybrid Nb | Men-O-Paws(DC)
    Bosmer Stamblade | 'Maui(AD)
    Altmer Magicka Sorcerer | Mid-Life-Crisis(AD)

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