Has anyone have this happened to them? When you cast Mage's Fury, or any of its morphs, the explosion and death of the targeted mob causes your game to stutter for about a half a second or so.
This is incredibly frustrating for whenever I try to beat my score in vMSA because throughout the entire run, it is always present.
hagencopen wrote: »I assume you had a destro staff equipped? I dont play my sorc much these days, but i leveled a dunmer DK during the bonus EXP and ran into this issue on PS4. For me its only destro staff related. Just having it equipped seems to cause it for me.
It really only happens to me if I'm using a destruction staff. Especially fire. It lags every time I kill something. I've been thinking it has something to do with the Magic regen passive for the staff. None of my stam characters have this issue. Or my DW Templar.
Reorx_Holybeard wrote: »Two quick questions for anyone experiencing this type of lag:
- Are you running any add-ons and have you tried disabling them to see if has any effect?
- Does this only happen with a Destruction Staff equipped or other weapons?
I ran into a strange bug with an API event a while back that caused similar lag on mob death when you have a destruction staff equipped and am wondering if this is the same issue.