Except asians...the execs at Zenimax are against asians.
TheShadowScout wrote: »Well... let's see...
Medieval Faery Tale/Sidhe = Altmer culture
Native North American/Jungle Tribal = Bosmer culture
Medieval India/Gypsies = Khajiit culture (rakshasa, anyone?)
Medieval English/French = Breton culture
Medieval Middle-East/1001 Nights = Redguard culture
Medieval Mongol/Hun Hordes = Orsimer culture
Ancient Southeast Asia/Chinese/Korean = Dunmer culture
Dark Age Vikings/Germanic Tribes = Nord culture
Native South American/Inca/Aztec = Argonian culture
Ancient Rome/Greek = Imperial culture
Mythological Atlantis = Maormer culture
Ancient Slavic/Russkies = Reachmen culture
Middle Age Japanese = Akaviri culture
Primitive Bronze Age Tribal = Goblin culture
Steampunk Babylonian = Dwemer culture
I suppose it covers the basics...
TheShadowScout wrote: »Well... let's see...
Medieval Faery Tale/Sidhe = Altmer culture
Native North American/Jungle Tribal = Bosmer culture
Medieval India/Gypsies = Khajiit culture (rakshasa, anyone?)
Medieval English/French = Breton culture
Medieval Middle-East/1001 Nights = Redguard culture
Medieval Mongol/Hun Hordes = Orsimer culture
Ancient Southeast Asia/Chinese/Korean = Dunmer culture
Dark Age Vikings/Germanic Tribes = Nord culture
Native South American/Inca/Aztec = Argonian culture
Ancient Rome/Greek = Imperial culture
Mythological Atlantis = Maormer culture
Ancient Slavic/Russkies = Reachmen culture
Middle Age Japanese = Akaviri culture
Primitive Bronze Age Tribal = Goblin culture
Steampunk Babylonian = Dwemer culture
I suppose it covers the basics...
Sez who?imredneckson wrote: »You forgot Akaviri and we all know what race they're based off of
See?TheShadowScout wrote: »Middle Age Japanese = Akaviri culture
TheShadowScout wrote: »Well... let's see...
Medieval Faery Tale/Sidhe = Altmer culture
Native North American/Jungle Tribal = Bosmer culture
Medieval India/Gypsies = Khajiit culture (rakshasa, anyone?)
Medieval English/French = Breton culture
Medieval Middle-East/1001 Nights = Redguard culture
Medieval Mongol/Hun Hordes = Orsimer culture
Ancient Southeast Asia/Chinese/Korean = Dunmer culture
Dark Age Vikings/Germanic Tribes = Nord culture
Native South American/Inca/Aztec = Argonian culture
Ancient Rome/Greek = Imperial culture
Mythological Atlantis = Maormer culture
Ancient Slavic/Russkies = Reachmen culture
Middle Age Japanese = Akaviri culture
Primitive Bronze Age Tribal = Goblin culture
Steampunk Babylonian = Dwemer culture
I suppose it covers the basics...
TheShadowScout wrote: »
Ancient Slavic/Russkies = Reachmen culture
Well, I went more with the "naturebound forest-dweller archer" viewpoint then the "naturebound forest-dweller woad covered swordsmen" theme of celt tribes, but... I suppose it is a valid point.FriedEggSandwich wrote: »I always saw bosmer as representative of celtic/pagan culture. Mainly cos they have westcountry acccents in eso, which is where I'm from
Actually ancient slavic cultures were definitely not about drinking or fighting, but much closer to celtic ones - nature worship, etc. And all dark-haired and eyed as well.Awesome, but I disagree with quoted. I think reachmen are inspired by celtic tribes (druids and all that). Russkies/Slavs were a part of what inspired Nords: drinking, fighting, appearance (fair hair etc).
"The theory that the High Elves do not reproduce as quickly or as often as humans is false. Rather, and to my horror, they kill nine out of ten babies born to them in their obsession for purity."
I always thought Altmer had some Japanese influences as well. For example, the trees in the Isles remind me of cherry blossums; and some of the views make me think of Japanese gardens I've visited. I'd say they're also a little Sparta-inspired. It's still not known if this is true or propaganda but I'd say it's Sparta-inspired either way (From "Pocket Guide to the Empire 1st Edition: Aldmeri Dominion):"The theory that the High Elves do not reproduce as quickly or as often as humans is false. Rather, and to my horror, they kill nine out of ten babies born to them in their obsession for purity."
But I think all of the races in this game take influences for multiple real-world sources, it's not that clear-cut and different people are going to make different associations.
rotaugen454 wrote: »Human race, cat race, lizard race, elven race, orc race. Outside of that, you are out of luck...
I always thought Altmer had some Japanese influences as well. For example, the trees in the Isles remind me of cherry blossums; and some of the views make me think of Japanese gardens I've visited. I'd say they're also a little Sparta-inspired. It's still not known if this is true or propaganda but I'd say it's Sparta-inspired either way (From "Pocket Guide to the Empire 1st Edition: Aldmeri Dominion):"The theory that the High Elves do not reproduce as quickly or as often as humans is false. Rather, and to my horror, they kill nine out of ten babies born to them in their obsession for purity."
But I think all of the races in this game take influences for multiple real-world sources, it's not that clear-cut and different people are going to make different associations.
Gonna be real here for a second, trying to map Elder Scrolls races to real-world ethnic groups is setting yourself up for a bad time.
Let us take for our example the Khajiit.
- Some Khajiit live a nomadic lifestyle. There are people who equate this with Romani culture but that's an incredibly hollow comparison since there are dozens of other nomadic cultures they might be modeled after.
- There are several different systems of traditional Khajiiti martial arts, including Whispering Fang, Rawlith-Khaj, and Goutfang. This is reminiscent of Chinese traditional martial arts, which has several large styles and hundreds of family styles passed from generation to generation, and thousands of temples/schools both ancient and modern where you can be trained. (disclaimer: other cultures have also developed martial systems, but outside of modern convention and what's called "invented tradition", such a breadth of styles is only found in traditional Chinese martial arts as far as I'm aware)
- Much of their art resembles folk art of India.
- Many of them have a kind of Eastern-European accent. Slavic-themed Khajiit? maybe, maybe. I mean in some of their lore the economic system is literally socialism, so who knows. The whole "nobody was using this thing, so I took it" is a direct cognate to the socialization of the means and fruits of production.
- Generic Arab influences here and there, if I recall this is more common among the desert-dwelling Khajiit.
- Maybe some savanah Africa influence? Hard to say.
With all of that going on, it would be incredibly inappropriate to say that the Khajiit are "for" a real-world race (real world race itself also being an extremely loaded term). The Khajiit are a fictional race and the creators drew and continue to draw inspiration from an enormous variety of real-world cultures while adding a bit of their own to the mix.
We also don't see this just in the Khajiit, we see this either already in place or beginning to develop for every TES race. Look at the Redguard. A lot of people say "Oh, they're the Moors!", but are they? Not even a little bit. Unless the Moors have Ra-Netu and mythical spirit swords it's safe to say that there has been influence from a variety of cultures, plus some original work.
Even the Nords, who are "just vikings" to some people have a way more complex culture than people give credit. Just read Children of the Sky. Would have been cool if Skyrim did more with that, but I guess dragons are cool too.
rotaugen454 wrote: »Human race, cat race, lizard race, elven race, orc race. Outside of that, you are out of luck...
Not really - Redguard have african traits.
rotaugen454 wrote: »Human race, cat race, lizard race, elven race, orc race. Outside of that, you are out of luck...
Not really - Redguard have african traits.
The hell is an African trait? Africa is the most genetically diverse continent on Earth in regards to humans.
Obviously I know what you meant. Not making this post to hound on you, but rather point out how incredibly nuanced and *** the fields of anthropology and sociology are in the real world without adding fantastic fictional elements on top. Which leads me to strongly back @Recremen 's post. While surely TES races draw inspiration from the real world, so too does every work of fiction ever. At the end of the day, these races are all fictional constructs that have no exclusive connection to anything in the real world.
While these threads are surely fun and provoke interesting discussion, at the end of the day all it is is futile suggestions.
I always thought Altmer had some Japanese influences as well. For example, the trees in the Isles remind me of cherry blossums; and some of the views make me think of Japanese gardens I've visited. I'd say they're also a little Sparta-inspired. It's still not known if this is true or propaganda but I'd say it's Sparta-inspired either way (From "Pocket Guide to the Empire 1st Edition: Aldmeri Dominion):"The theory that the High Elves do not reproduce as quickly or as often as humans is false. Rather, and to my horror, they kill nine out of ten babies born to them in their obsession for purity."
But I think all of the races in this game take influences for multiple real-world sources, it's not that clear-cut and different people are going to make different associations.
Hm, Altmer japanese influence?- Altmer are the tallest race in TES - while japanese are by far not the tallest on earth. The tallest are actually dutch and with this the caucasian ethnic group.
Actually ancient slavic cultures were definitely not about drinking or fighting, but much closer to celtic ones - nature worship, etc. And all dark-haired and eyed as well.
That part of russian culture was imported with the european part of the equation, namely the intermixing of viking raiders with local slavic tribes during the dark ages... that's also where the fair complexion comes from.
But for both these cases, it is true that the ones I stated are just from my point of view, quite a few are probably mixed enough that you could see several different cultures in them...