So, I've struggled. I've played as a Stamblade from the first day I started playing. I have always felt that magicka, and particularly sorcerers were OP. I have struggled to keep up in PvP as a Stamblade. However, I felt that with skill, cunning, and a little wit I was able to overcome much of what I felt all along were major disadvantages to being a Stamblade. Yet, I had Stamblade denial. I, and so many other of my class wanted to believe that we were viable, and that our class mattered.
I have to say at level 8 of my High Elf Sorcer... I already feel like a god. All will bow before me in PvP and PvE alike. Nothing stands in this maelstrom ball of fury. It has become abundantly clear, that anyone who believes that Stamblades are OP, have never played a Stamblade; and those, as I was once, who truly believe in their Stamblades are in denial. Especially after this last update.
So yes, that breaks down to four classes of people on the forums:
1. Those who have played Stamblades intimately, and love them but understand the severity of the uphill battle they will be facing.
2. Those who have played Stamblades intimately, and love them but are in denial of how bad the class is.
3. People who claim to be Stamblades, and are not.
4. People who claim Stamblades to be OP, but have never actually played one.
About 30 minutes as a Sorcery I couldn't even believe there was a debate about which class is the most OP. So much so that it made me question what I've been doing with my ESO life. If you are a dedicated Stamblade, and have never tried a Sorcery, do it. Futhermore, if you're a Sorcerer, I F@!% DARE YOU TO TRY STAMBLADE!!!
With all of that said, I still love my Stamblade and will always struggle and strive to find ways to make it a viable class.