someone wanted a jury and trails system to avoid being kicked unfairly from a guild by a GM.
i say no. the GM have absolute power and its a dictatorship.
but !!!
i come with better ideas as usual.

I want a mutiny system, where if enough players from the guild agreed to take vote someone in. he will be replaced and the current leader lose all his gold and estate in favor of the new leader.
the votes are carried anonymously and only by invitation from the mutiny starter.
for example 30 man guild, 1 person decided to start mutiny and only invite 20 people to vote because he dont trust the last 9. if he succesfully get more than 2/3 the votes dude is the boss now.
we also want a backstab system where if 1 of the people you invited to vote, rat you out to the current leader. the leader takes all your gold and you get humiliated in public as a traitor. so you gotta be careful who you ask to join the mutiny.
I would also like to introduce slave system, where if you kill someone from enemy faction 10 times in a row and he dont kill you once, he will have to be your slave for a month, betray his faction. and do anything you ask from him, or he will lose all his gold.
i gotta go for 2-3 hours, when i am back i will add more idea. i really gotta go! lol
~~ Mrs Jones ~~
~~ Self-proclaimed Best Player in the game ~~
~~ you jelly? ~~