MornaBaine wrote: »Please make it like this:
Sleeves like those on the Orc:
And THIS neckline, used on the Bosmer Medium:
A fabric pattern and sheen comparable to upper tier Khajiit and Orc please!
So many of the "cloth" robes have really weird textures, in whole or in part, that do NOT take the dyes well and vividly. You can get no sheen and often the fabric itself looks like burlap and has a "dirty" under texture to it that shows through, especially with the lighter colored dyes. I would FAR prefer fabrics that look like silks or brocades as shown here but used THROUGHOUT the robe, not just in a few areas. The blue areas of the sleeve on the Orc robe are ideal.
And BONUS if you'd do some with THESE necklines but NO accompanying weird giant neck gear!
Please, please, please consider these things on your next round of light robe design! Thank you!
MornaBaine wrote: »Oh...and NO hip, front or butt flaps. DEATH TO THE FLAPS! Please fire whoever is so desperately obsessed with those stupid things and get them the help they need.
MornaBaine wrote: »Oh...and NO hip, front or butt flaps. DEATH TO THE FLAPS! Please fire whoever is so desperately obsessed with those stupid things and get them the help they need.
I think such flaps make sense on ARMOR. Heavy armor, sure. Medium armor, yes. Perhaps even light armore jerkins...MornaBaine wrote: »Oh...and NO hip, front or butt flaps. DEATH TO THE FLAPS! Please fire whoever is so desperately obsessed with those stupid things and get them the help they need.
Agree about the quality of the fabric, but also that they desperately need to fix their on-purpose, lazy 'boxification' of the new female sets.
TheShadowScout wrote: »I think such flaps make sense on ARMOR. Heavy armor, sure. Medium armor, yes. Perhaps even light armore jerkins...
But they make little sense on ROBES in my opinion... Every time I see some robe with hip/front/rear flaps I wince a little... and wish they would adjust those.
MornaBaine wrote: »
Well fortunately I think they are on that. The thread covering it is over 15 pages long now.
rfennell_ESO wrote: »I'm for more boobs showing in female armor!
I don't even care if the person playing it is a guy.
Vote more boobs 2016! #make eso bustier.
Sometimes mad ideas come to mind. There must be flap lovers tasset appreciators out there, and for them i offer this: double flaps! Twice the better!I found an interesting combination for flap haters: Malacath medium seem to have the flaps in trousers. So, combining Malacath medium chest with light trousers does not have front/back flaps and only small side flaps
I personally like the flaps in armors. But at the same time i welcome variety.
WalkingLegacy wrote: »