Fetish or totems for weapons, just the beginning of a thought on this.
1. Base totem or fetish is crafted at crafting stations from either wood or metal.
2. A Binding item is applied to the base totem or fetish, binding that item to the character (Account). Anyone can attach the binding item, no skill is required.
3. The binding item provides specific characteristics with the weapon
4. Some examples include but are not limited to:
- Slayer Properties
- Vorpal Property
- Pseudo set item
- Defense Property
5. The fetish is applied to any
crafted weapon.
The totems would also apply a new look to the weapon: bone pieces, skulls, feathers, glow, etc.
Slayer property could do more damage to a specific target.
Vorpal property would have very low damage, but high possibility of outright killing the target with each attack.
The Pseudo Set item duplicates the crafted set of the weapon into the offhand position, allowing for 2 handed weapons to get 2 set piece bonus. For role playing purposes a one hand weapon could also get this effect, but any weapon or shield in the offhand position would negate the Fetish or totem effect.
Defense Property could decrease either weapon or spell damage while increasing phys or spell resist.
The Vegemite Knight
"if the skeleton kills you, your dps is too low." ~STEVIL
The Elder World of WarScrollCraft Online ~joaaocaampos