Killa4hire89 wrote: »How exactly does the ultimate gain on this ability work? Is it only when the line I'd between you and the enemy or can you cancel the animation and still get the ult. On console so I have no way to test. Ty for your help.
RAGUNAnoOne wrote: »Every damage tic including when you initially cast it you gain the specified ultimate in addition to any other ultimate gains IE natural and heroism buffs it tics every second. and no if you cancel it the ultimate regen stops
GreenSoup2HoT wrote: »The ability is still trash.
Mist form is also trash but not as much as Drain.
FIX VAMPIRES! Please. I dont want to be only known as "bat swarm". Like common.
GreenSoup2HoT wrote: »The ability is still trash.
Mist form is also trash but not as much as Drain.
FIX VAMPIRES! Please. I dont want to be only known as "bat swarm". Like common.