Lvl alt to vr16, or start new char & lvl to 50?

Say if I have limited play time and wanting to utilize the cake exp buff. Currently I have one v16 main and v2 alt and I want to try all 4 classes eventually.
Should i use the time to level new chars to 50 and wait for Vr removal, or lvl the v2 alt to v16? Which is the best way utilizing the cake buff?
  • Keep_Door
    Do whatever you want
  • rotaugen454
    If you have 160 CP or more, then making an alt level 50 will mean they jump to the top of the heap once VR goes away. I already had several maxed VR characters, so I pushed one of my two remaining lowbies (not counting the two mules) to VR1.
    "Get off my lawn!"
  • Zorgon_The_Revenged
    Lvl 1-49 only gets you xp to your next level.

    Vr1+ you'll get xp towards Campion Points useable on all characters on your account (capped at 501 usable points but you can carry on earning them.).

    I would level your vr characters to gain those important CP's (if below 501CP).
    Edited by Zorgon_The_Revenged on April 6, 2016 1:50PM
  • myrrrorb14_ESO
    Good question. Since you already have a max level character, the question is more open. You will get the max bonus cp when they eventually remove vet levels.

    Currently, I am leveling an alt to vr16. It's going to be a while before the removal and I feel I can get a lot of play before then. It is tempting to start a new character though. But imo it's already super easy to out level areas and I enjoy doing the quests.

    It mathematically is more beneficial to keep leveling your vet character. Bonus on a larger number of xp will be a lot more than a starting character. If you hate the grind through low levels though, burning through with xp boost is for you!
  • Asherons_Call
    If you have 160 CP or more, then making an alt level 50 will mean they jump to the top of the heap once VR goes away. I already had several maxed VR characters, so I pushed one of my two remaining lowbies (not counting the two mules) to VR1.

    This would be the best use of the bonus XP right now. Once VR goes away your vr1 characters will get a free boost
  • Keep_Door
    Keep_Door wrote: »
    Do whatever you want

    i didn't mean to be so negative i was just cranky in the am i apologize .

    i had this same question in m head and i decided to use this time to catch up on champ points so im lvling my vet 3. going form 1-50 you will gain no CP.

  • Paulington
    Yep, level a new character is what I am doing. I have every class to VR16 and now I am making alts for stamina versions of each class and getting them to VR1.

    Once Dark Brotherhood comes in the next couple of months these VR1s will effectively be "boosted" to max level so getting chars to VR1 at least is a good idea.
  • Lightninvash
    personaly I would probably level them to 50 and when you don't have the boost anymore you can continue the vr lvls if you like( in my case will because my main is a healer and I like my sorc more) so iuse my main for pledges and etc. while I will grind more cp on my sorc :)
  • GeneralLee
    But wouldnt it be beter to have 501 cp first? Because they will make armor requirements based on number of cp you have...
  • Brrrofski
    Getting v16 for sure.

    That grind is worse than 1-50 by a lot.

    So I'd get those vet levels finished.
  • rotaugen454
    Brrrofski wrote: »
    Getting v16 for sure.

    That grind is worse than 1-50 by a lot.

    So I'd get those vet levels finished.

    Actually, it is the opposite. If you get your lowbies to 50, they jump from VR1 to VR16 instantly if you have at least 160 champion points. The big time saver is to level the lowbies. That way you avoid the whole VR1-VR16 grind.
    "Get off my lawn!"
  • Nadar
    I have essentially the same desire you have and that is to have end-game alts in each of the classes. I currently have v16 sorc and NB so am using this opportunity to level up a new templer and DK. I plan to only take them to l50 though and then wait for the vet removal so they auto-jump to end game status (although will likely take them slowly thru the Cadwells for the SP).

    I am nearing the current cap though so CP isn't really a concern for me. But even if it was, I'd likely still go this route. I believe enlightenment still 'saves up' for 12 (?) days so you could ignore doing any CP grinding during the event and still have all the enlightenment that accumulated during that time available when it completes....and enlightenment is essentially a 400% xp boost toward CP earnings.

    For me, I find running thru the initial storyline a bit more of a tiresome grind than earning CP with end game using this opportunity to reduce that grind is most attractive...the xp boost also allows you to just quickly run thru the main storyline that provides SP occasionally without any fear of becoming too under-leveled (not that that is a concern considering the storyline difficulty hasn't been changed and the CP the alts can take advantage of lets them take on much more difficult mobs that was possible the first time thru)
  • MissBizz
    I'm doing the same as a few people above. Levelling alts to VR1 so I have a nice diverse roster when DB hits.
    Lone Wolf HelpFor the solo players who know, sometimes you just need a hand.PC | NA | AD-DC-EP | Discord
  • Brrrofski
    Brrrofski wrote: »
    Getting v16 for sure.

    That grind is worse than 1-50 by a lot.

    So I'd get those vet levels finished.

    Actually, it is the opposite. If you get your lowbies to 50, they jump from VR1 to VR16 instantly if you have at least 160 champion points. The big time saver is to level the lowbies. That way you avoid the whole VR1-VR16 grind.

    No it's not. In a few months it will be.

    But that's in 2-3 months. Why wait that long?

    He will have to get at least one to 160 to trigger that with other toons anyway.

    So use double xo to get the 160 CP. May as well get to v16 then. Level alts to 50 if you get more time.
  • D0ntevenL1ft
    I grinded a fair amount since monday and levelled a new char from lvl 1-VR9 so far if that helps you
  • x_Nathan_F
    Depends on how much you play you personally I'd get a new character as high as I can before the removal.
  • MissBizz
    Brrrofski wrote: »
    Brrrofski wrote: »
    Getting v16 for sure.

    That grind is worse than 1-50 by a lot.

    So I'd get those vet levels finished.

    Actually, it is the opposite. If you get your lowbies to 50, they jump from VR1 to VR16 instantly if you have at least 160 champion points. The big time saver is to level the lowbies. That way you avoid the whole VR1-VR16 grind.

    No it's not. In a few months it will be.

    But that's in 2-3 months. Why wait that long?

    He will have to get at least one to 160 to trigger that with other toons anyway.

    So use double xo to get the 160 CP. May as well get to v16 then. Level alts to 50 if you get more time.

    @Brrrofski The OP stated they already have a V16 so I think it may be pretty safe to assume they have at least 160CP.
    Lone Wolf HelpFor the solo players who know, sometimes you just need a hand.PC | NA | AD-DC-EP | Discord
  • Zerok
    You should level your alt to vr16, as it will also provide you with extra CPs at the same time.

    If you're at max CPs already, then it doesn't matter. Do whatever you wish.
    Zeerok (the sneaky ruffian) - LV50 Bosmer stamblade DPS (AD)
    Gontrand de Bourbon (the greedy aristocrat) - LV50 Breton magsorc tank (DC)
    Augustus Aquilarios (the imperial claimant) - LV50 Imperial stamDK PvP (EP)
    Zeerokk (the AD zealot) - LV50 Altmer magblade PvP (AD)
    Lianna Storm (the inferno maiden) - LV50 Dunmer magDK DPS (EP)
    Fights-With-Khajiit (the gullible faithful) - LV5 Argonian templar (EP)
    Miner'va (the skooma addict) - LV3 Khajiit sorcerer (AD) - chaotic neutral
    Siggy Thorvaldsson (the charismatic baroness) - LV50 Nord stamwarden tank (DC)
  • QuebraRegra
    GeneralLee wrote: »
    But wouldnt it be beter to have 501 cp first? Because they will make armor requirements based on number of cp you have...

    is it true that gear will have CP requirements?
  • Sunburnt_Penguin
    GeneralLee wrote: »
    But wouldnt it be beter to have 501 cp first? Because they will make armor requirements based on number of cp you have...

    I don't think it makes any difference, @GeneralLee . I could be wrong but far as I'm aware, as long as you have a v16 you'll be given additional CPs (which I think is ~180CPs) for the new max CP level. So if you currently have 160CPs and a friend has 501CPs; you'll both be given ~180CPs, will be at the same max CP level and will be able to wear the exact same gear.
  • Brrrofski
    MissBizz wrote: »
    Brrrofski wrote: »
    Brrrofski wrote: »
    Getting v16 for sure.

    That grind is worse than 1-50 by a lot.

    So I'd get those vet levels finished.

    Actually, it is the opposite. If you get your lowbies to 50, they jump from VR1 to VR16 instantly if you have at least 160 champion points. The big time saver is to level the lowbies. That way you avoid the whole VR1-VR16 grind.

    No it's not. In a few months it will be.

    But that's in 2-3 months. Why wait that long?

    He will have to get at least one to 160 to trigger that with other toons anyway.

    So use double xo to get the 160 CP. May as well get to v16 then. Level alts to 50 if you get more time.

    @Brrrofski The OP stated they already have a V16 so I think it may be pretty safe to assume they have at least 160CP.

    Still, stack the CP. You get 1-50 easy enough by just getting skillpoints you need.

    Plus vet ranks removal is miles away still. Get another to vr16 and enjoy end game on another class for a bit.
    Edited by Brrrofski on April 6, 2016 4:01PM
  • Sallington
    level new toons and let your account build up enlightenment before your VR grind
    Daggerfall Covenant
    Sallington - Templar - Stormproof - Prefect II
    Cobham - Sorcerer - Stormproof - First Sergeant II
    Shallington - NightBlade - Lieutenant |
    Balmorah - Templar - Sergeant ||
  • MissBizz
    GeneralLee wrote: »
    But wouldnt it be beter to have 501 cp first? Because they will make armor requirements based on number of cp you have...

    is it true that gear will have CP requirements?

    @QuebraRegra Rich Lambert made a post quite some time back suggesting that was what they currently were planning on doing. On that same note, he also made sure to mention they were in the process of actually thinking it up SO it may end up working entirely different from that. It's not set in stone but as far as I know that's the last idea that was heard from ZOS.
    Lone Wolf HelpFor the solo players who know, sometimes you just need a hand.PC | NA | AD-DC-EP | Discord
  • QuebraRegra
    MissBizz wrote: »
    GeneralLee wrote: »
    But wouldnt it be beter to have 501 cp first? Because they will make armor requirements based on number of cp you have...

    is it true that gear will have CP requirements?

    @QuebraRegra Rich Lambert made a post quite some time back suggesting that was what they currently were planning on doing. On that same note, he also made sure to mention they were in the process of actually thinking it up SO it may end up working entirely different from that. It's not set in stone but as far as I know that's the last idea that was heard from ZOS.

    Thank you for that information.

    Has this game ever changed for the better? Seems to me it was a better game (more fun) around 1.6.
  • Zorgon_The_Revenged
    GeneralLee wrote: »
    But wouldnt it be beter to have 501 cp first? Because they will make armor requirements based on number of cp you have...

    I don't think it makes any difference, @GeneralLee . I could be wrong but far as I'm aware, as long as you have a v16 you'll be given additional CPs (which I think is ~180CPs) for the new max CP level. So if you currently have 160CPs and a friend has 501CPs; you'll both be given ~180CPs, will be at the same max CP level and will be able to wear the exact same gear.

    As far as I understood/cared:- (CP numbers are mostly for the sake of explanation)

    if player A had a VR16 in VR16 gear but only 150CP when VR are removed they would be given 10CP so they were at 160CP and could meet the 160CP requirement for gear.

    That same player A has a VR1 character on the same account, and as CP are account wide and player A now has 160CP, that VR character also meets a 160CP gear requirement.

    Player B has 501CP and gets nothing but the same ability to carry on wearing his VR16 gear (160CP) as player A has.
    Edited by Zorgon_The_Revenged on April 6, 2016 4:27PM
  • Sunburnt_Penguin
    GeneralLee wrote: »
    But wouldnt it be beter to have 501 cp first? Because they will make armor requirements based on number of cp you have...

    I don't think it makes any difference, @GeneralLee . I could be wrong but far as I'm aware, as long as you have a v16 you'll be given additional CPs (which I think is ~180CPs) for the new max CP level. So if you currently have 160CPs and a friend has 501CPs; you'll both be given ~180CPs, will be at the same max CP level and will be able to wear the exact same gear.

    As far as I understood/cared:- (CP numbers are mostly for the sake of explanation)

    if player A had a VR16 in VR16 gear but only 150CP when VR are removed they would be given 10CP so they were at 160CP and could meet the 160CP requirement for gear.

    That same player A has a VR1 character on the same account, and as CP are account wide and player A now has 160CP, that VR character also meets a 160CP gear requirement.

    Player B has 501CP and gets nothing but the same ability to carry on wearing his VR16 gear (160CP) as player A has.
    The only definitive way of proving who's correct is duelling, tbh.

    Edited by Sunburnt_Penguin on April 6, 2016 4:29PM
  • myrrrorb14_ESO
    MissBizz wrote: »
    GeneralLee wrote: »
    But wouldnt it be beter to have 501 cp first? Because they will make armor requirements based on number of cp you have...

    is it true that gear will have CP requirements?

    @QuebraRegra Rich Lambert made a post quite some time back suggesting that was what they currently were planning on doing. On that same note, he also made sure to mention they were in the process of actually thinking it up SO it may end up working entirely different from that. It's not set in stone but as far as I know that's the last idea that was heard from ZOS.

    Thank you for that information.

    Has this game ever changed for the better? Seems to me it was a better game (more fun) around 1.6.

    Every change is for the better!

    Everyone has different opinions on what is good / bad. But there is almost always at least something in every update that improves.

    imo it's been a mixed bag with some updates worse than others. But the game is still alive after 2 years, which is very impressive given some of the shaky updates that broke the game.
  • Guppet
    GeneralLee wrote: »
    But wouldnt it be beter to have 501 cp first? Because they will make armor requirements based on number of cp you have...
    Not really. The current best gear in the game will only require 160 CP. So there will need to be another 34 tiers of gear before you need 501 points, so never really. If you have 200+ your not going to need more for about a year, that's if they increase the tier for each DLC, which they have not done yet.
  • Acrolas
    Do a little bit of both.

    For low level characters, just zone grind. It's roughly 1% per regular mob, so it's an easy time commitment.
    For vet level characters, hit up every silver/gold dolmen you haven't done yet, and sweep the delves you still need shards from. Turn in those quests. Do any easy vet quests like the Evermore graveyard or the various animal races.

    And if you haven't started researching crafts, start that immediately.
    signing off
  • rotaugen454
    How many CP do you have? I have 514 (13 can't be used until they raise cap), so leveling my lowbie was primary. I might level my other lowbie now, or just do other things like chase achievements.
    "Get off my lawn!"
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