Race change
Class change
Alliance change
Appearance change
More character slots
All stuff that people ask for time and time again, which would be a fabulous money-spinner for Zeni. Instead, we are offered overpriced, gimped assistants.
Seriously, guys. You'd sell more of these than you ever will 5k gimped assistants.
Darkonflare15 wrote: »Race change
Class change
Alliance change
Appearance change
More character slots
All stuff that people ask for time and time again, which would be a fabulous money-spinner for Zeni. Instead, we are offered overpriced, gimped assistants.
Seriously, guys. You'd sell more of these than you ever will 5k gimped assistants.
They have stated that they are working on a appearance change.
No class change.
No Alliance change.
Move along.
Moonshadow66 wrote: »Darkonflare15 wrote: »Race change
Class change
Alliance change
Appearance change
More character slots
All stuff that people ask for time and time again, which would be a fabulous money-spinner for Zeni. Instead, we are offered overpriced, gimped assistants.
Seriously, guys. You'd sell more of these than you ever will 5k gimped assistants.
They have stated that they are working on a appearance change.
No class change.
No Alliance change.
Move along.
I wonder how long it will STILL take to get the appearance change rolling... It can't be that hard since we have the character creator in the game already which we all see right in the beginning.
In Skyrim, we got the Face-Sculpture-Whatever NPC with the Dawnguard DLC, it simply adds an NPC that lets us re-enter the customization window, and even while still standing in the same room... *sigh* we can even get there by using a console command. So where's the problem in ESO? Like I said, and as everyone knows (obviously), the character creator already exists, we ONLY need a function to re-enter it.
Darkonflare15 wrote: »Race change
Class change
Alliance change
Appearance change
More character slots
All stuff that people ask for time and time again, which would be a fabulous money-spinner for Zeni. Instead, we are offered overpriced, gimped assistants.
Seriously, guys. You'd sell more of these than you ever will 5k gimped assistants.
They have stated that they are working on a appearance change.
No class change.
No Alliance change.
Move along.
Knootewoot wrote: »I played many mmo's and there is always one trend pay-to-play mmo's follow if they not doing well.
1) game is buy and pay-to play
2) game not doing that well, going f2p or b2p (with an excuse the do it for some other reason) and subscription optional
3) introduction of cash shop
4a) If the cash shop generates good income, the game can last a long time. Even when new content comes out at low rate.
repeat if happy, else go to 4b
4b) If the cash shop generates low income, they introduce stupid things like rainbow whales, vicious death sets. Without good content people want to pay and play the final stage is:
-5) They introduce everything people wanted and asked for in the cash shop. Then when everybody buys the stuff they wanted and are happy for a month the announcement comes: The servers will be shut down in December of year 20xx.
I think TESO is now in stage 4b.
Knootewoot wrote: »I played many mmo's and there is always one trend pay-to-play mmo's follow if they not doing well.
1) game is buy and pay-to play
2) game not doing that well, going f2p or b2p (with an excuse the do it for some other reason) and subscription optional
3) introduction of cash shop
4a) If the cash shop generates good income, the game can last a long time. Even when new content comes out at low rate.
repeat if happy, else go to 4b
4b) If the cash shop generates low income, they introduce stupid things like rainbow whales, vicious death sets. Without good content people want to pay and play the final stage is:
-5) They introduce everything people wanted and asked for in the cash shop. Then when everybody buys the stuff they wanted and are happy for a month the announcement comes: The servers will be shut down in December of year 20xx.
I think TESO is now in stage 4b.
Oh look, another one of those, "ESO is dying" comments... same thing that has been said about DCUO for the past five+ years. Always amazing when the game director comes out and says that the game is doing awesomely but some players continuously claim 'the game is dying' simply because that is what they want to believe because there is some content or issue that they do not like.
Why would a Game Dev come out and say the game is doing poorly that's idiotic and would cost them money so even if the game doing bad they will lie and say its doing amazing.Knootewoot wrote: »I played many mmo's and there is always one trend pay-to-play mmo's follow if they not doing well.
1) game is buy and pay-to play
2) game not doing that well, going f2p or b2p (with an excuse the do it for some other reason) and subscription optional
3) introduction of cash shop
4a) If the cash shop generates good income, the game can last a long time. Even when new content comes out at low rate.
repeat if happy, else go to 4b
4b) If the cash shop generates low income, they introduce stupid things like rainbow whales, vicious death sets. Without good content people want to pay and play the final stage is:
-5) They introduce everything people wanted and asked for in the cash shop. Then when everybody buys the stuff they wanted and are happy for a month the announcement comes: The servers will be shut down in December of year 20xx.
I think TESO is now in stage 4b.
Oh look, another one of those, "ESO is dying" comments... same thing that has been said about DCUO for the past five+ years. Always amazing when the game director comes out and says that the game is doing awesomely but some players continuously claim 'the game is dying' simply because that is what they want to believe because there is some content or issue that they do not like.
phaneub17_ESO wrote: »With the removal of VR "coming soon" race change might be a moot point, it's not as hard getting a new character to level 50 then having the ability to equip whatever your Champion Point requirements are at. They may also be adding more character slots for Crowns so you can keep your old high level mule and create a new character instead of a race or class change.