So a lot of this forum is filled with so grand requests, and there is nothing wrong with that. But that said the little things can fall through the cracks. So here are some of those things I feel need little fixes. Feel free to add your own.
1. Sit Any Where
NPCs stand up walk around and sit in chairs. So the animations are there. How about letting us us the countless chairs in this game? Spawning a chair is cool if there isn't one but come on.
2. Religion
There are countless different priest npcs out there. My favorite are in the Daggerfall Cathedral. The crown store has pleanty of exotic, warrior, mage and scout type outfits. How about a little love from the folk of the cloth? A nice three set of healer/priest type costumes would be great.
3. Hide Weapon (when sheathed)
You can hide helmets and that's great. How about a switch the same way for sheathed weapons? Mostly an rper's request I know but hey, is what it is.
Server: PS4-NA
PSN: Eirikir
Name: Eirikir "Erik" Kololf
Alliance: Ebonheart Pact
Race: Nord (Lycanthrope)
Class: Dragonknight (Range DPS)
Playstyle: Crafter, PVE, PVP, Roleplayer