First off, hi, I'm new to the forums. I'm a VR16 sorcerer (and I recently hit VR16 too). I can't post a pic unfortunately, but here's the rundown of my stats basically (completely unbuffed). Also, I'm a vampire:
Race: Breton
CP lvl: 233
Mundus stone: Thief
Magicka: 22643*
HP: 11193*
Stamina: 12682*
Attribute investments: Magicka 44, Health 0, Stamina 20
Spell damage(destruction staff): 1385*
Spell damage (healing staff): 1550*
Spell damage (daggers): 1647*
Weapon damage (daggers): 2037*
Weapon critical with daggers equipped: 62.7%*
Spell critical: 41%* (across the board I believe
Spell resistance: about 14k
Physical resistance: OVER 9000! (no seriously, its like 9815)
Magicka recovey: 905-975, depending on weapon used
Health recovery: 388*
Stamina recovery: 636*
*values are approximate, as exact as possible due to now slightly dated character screenshots, i.e. some equipment has changed.
Equipment sets: I recently switched over from Song of Lamae (idk what I was thinking using that set for so long). The sets I primarily use now are Magnus' Gift and Night Mother's gaze. I also have just two pieces of Torug's Pact for additional spell damage. My destruction staff(1), head(2), body(3), shoulders(4), and pants(5) are Magnus' Gift. My daggers(2), shoes(3) and belt(4) are Night Mother's gaze, for added weapon critical. My gloves and healing staff are Torug's Pact.
Explanations: I envisioned a very specific character, both build-wise and aesthetically (looks-wise). My first bar abilities change depending on which staff I'm using. If destruction, my abilities go: Mage's Wrath (fun to spam on low-health enemies and watch eveything get caught in the AoE), Summon Twilight Matriarch(for quick healing, plus of course pet DPS), Streak(obvious uses), Daedric Tomb/Unstable Wall of Elements (depends if I want DoT at the moment or CC) and Elemental Ring (AoE AND DoT? Yes please!). Ult: Devouring Bat Swarm
If restoration: Crystal Blast (appealing to me as a healer to keep enemies away via CC and help deal some damage), Twilight Matriarch (the bulk of my healing build), Unstable Clanfear(basically just additional DPS. This one might be replaceable), Healing ward, Blessing of Restoration. Ult: Devouring Bat Swarm
This bar is what (thanks to the recent patch) allows me to FINALLY cue as a healer AND DPS and not get roasted for it.
Daggers: Boundless Storm(playing to my magicka strength), Blood Craze, Critical Surge (this is what all that weapon critical is for), Hardened Ward, Rapid Strikes. Ult: Charged Atronach.
The reason I chose this build is because, in every Elder Scrolls game, and in many other RPGs, I like to be a bit of a stealth/magic hybrid. Some at this point may ask "Then why not be a nightblade?". Well, in the context of Elder Scrolls, I always leveled up my Sneak, used bladed weapons, and my favorite three schools of magic were Conjuration, Restoration, and Destruction, in that order. I also understand that in this MMO setting, not everything can be replicated perfectly, but, Sorcerer would obviously be the appropriate class if I were to replicate these things in this game's settings and parameters. Also, part of my build, especially the staffs, is influenced from my time on FFXIV, on which I played as a Scholar and White mage, for those of you who might know what that is. Anyway, sorry for the incredibly long post, tried to be concise. What do you guys think?