Shader_Shibes wrote: »Well looking at all the grind spots i would say yes, yes you are.
Tried to find a video of that 90's song "you're not the only one, to witness emotion."
The internet has failed me. Apparently AI has grown increasingly ham-fisted.
Oh well.
plattypussb16_ESO wrote: »No cake for me - I heard it makes you fat.
and I'm trying to catch the Midget Salmon - and this fish is really taxing my patience (and I have A LOT of patience). I tried several different strategies (sneaking while approaching a foul water pond, shouting, stomping around the pond, whistling, playing instruments, singing (well, perhaps that wasn't the best of my ideas....))
Praeficere wrote: »Try questing 8 characters to v16, then say you don't want to use the cake.
FYI, bring about 3 to 5 other people with you to the fishing hole and you will get the rare fish pretty quickly.