If i'm not mistaken there are two separate teams working on ESO and the Elder Scrolls series.
Edit. Gonna answer you question tooSo yes, i think there will be more TES single player games.
Mettaricana wrote: »Different companies handling both games so one has no effect on the other they milking fallout for dlcs atm
Todd Howard's team is already working on TES VI, they jump from TES to Fallout then back to TES and keep the pace going. There was a cool interview with him a while back discussing their development cycle. They don't take a lot of breaks, they just jump from one title to the other and tend to throw ideas around for the next while finishing up the last title.
- Pete Hines, Bethesda PR Chief.The Elder Scrolls Online just came out on consoles, and has DLC coming this year and into next year, and that’s gonna be the Elder Scolls game Bethesda will be talking about for a while.
Bethesda are apparently working on 3 new IP games. I don't think ES VI is even a glint in Bethesda's eye at the moment. That's not to say they'll never do one, but I think it's going to be quite a long time until we hear about it.
Bethesda are apparently working on 3 new IP games. I don't think ES VI is even a glint in Bethesda's eye at the moment. That's not to say they'll never do one, but I think it's going to be quite a long time until we hear about it.
Like what? Some new Doom game? Meh.
Hopefully they realize just how meh and niche anticipation for that backseater is and stick with the big guns.
If it ain't broke...
Bethesda are apparently working on 3 new IP games. I don't think ES VI is even a glint in Bethesda's eye at the moment. That's not to say they'll never do one, but I think it's going to be quite a long time until we hear about it.
bertenburnyb16_ESO wrote: »well ESO s dead to me since end of 2015, I couldn't take Zos's blatant ingnorance and irreversable compulsion to screw the game up more and more with every action they take, so I really, really hope Bethesda s working on the next ES game, but like said before, I fear they are not, since they dont wanne steal the ESO player base