Is ESO too easy/ No real depth

I don't mean it in the sense of - The enemies die fast and it's easy to level up. I mean it in the sense of - It's really easy to get around everywhere, no challenges and nothing to figure out. After I hit VR 1 (with the new update) I can just take a wayshrine wherever and go anywhere without any trouble. My horse is fast and nowhere do I have to do something special to get to a place or an objective. There's no putting effort in things, figuring how to get to places or how to do things. Everything is really simple and plain. For instance, In WoW, if you are a low level and want to get from Stormwind to Loch modan you have go to the train station in stormwind, take the train to ironforge, walk from Iron forge downhill, take a left and follow the road until you get to Loch Modan. It might seem annoying but in my opinion, it's part of the fun.Another point, not completely related to the topic - There are no hidden things or missions in the game. There are no easter eggs or special things you can do to get say, a special item or mount. There's no real point to the post cause these issues can't be taken care of since the game already launched... two years ago. Sry
  • Nestor
    There are all kinds of Easter Eggs in the game. Maybe not of the collectible type (but there are some of those too). However, unless they really overhaul the inventory system, where you going to keep them? They introduced recently a system to let us keep our Quest Uniques, but it does not allow us to keep all the collectibles in the game. Maybe the Crafting Bags will make room for those.

    As for getting around the other zones. Sure, you can walk around other zones along the roads and such. You can avoid 99% of the combat doing things like Farming. But, pop into a Delve and you might feel differently about being where you are.

    If you want to walk to the other zones, you can. The game unlocked a WS in each zone, but you don't have to use them.

    Edited by Nestor on March 29, 2016 3:46PM
    Enjoy the game, life is what you really want to be worried about.

    PakKat "Everything was going well, until I died"
    Gary Gravestink "I am glad you died, I needed the help"

  • mb10
    Yeah and in skyrim you could fast travel anywhere and enemies were not as difficult as this game at all.

    If its too easy for you stop using wayshrines and run everywhere.

    Stop using the markers to help you in quests and figure everything out on your own (MUCH harder to do quests)

    Have you acheived flawless conqueror? IC prison done? Deadlands adept?

    The game is challenging to say things like your horse is too fast and wayshrines make it easy to travel is plain stupid sorry. Can you imagine a game of this size without wayshrines?
  • OrphanHelgen
    Try group up as a low veteran level in a gold pledge with pugs, specially wgt or icp. Then go to veteran maelstrom arena. Then try to get to the weekly leaderboard followed up by the new trial.
    Then try to make money to get all your gear legendary. Then you want the crafting motifs. No, eso is not easy, maybe at some point while braindead leveling, but end game is not always that easy.
    PC, EU server, Ebonheart Pact

    Finally a reason not to play League of Legends
  • menedhyn
    ...I can just take a wayshrine wherever and go anywhere without any trouble. My horse is fast and nowhere do I have to do something special to get to a place or an objective

    As a start, you could do what I do - walk everywhere. I know it's not for everyone and it can mean it takes absolutely ages to get from place to place, but I find the game far more enjoyable when I take my time. Throw in a bit of roleplay, venture off the main roads and see what you find.
    Suvis Bek - DC Colovian Templar
  • IrishGirlGamer
    I don't mean it in the sense of - The enemies die fast and it's easy to level up. I mean it in the sense of - It's really easy to get around everywhere, no challenges and nothing to figure out. ...

    Well I hate to state the obvious but you're not required to take wayshrines anywhere. Like in Oblivion, you weren't required to take advantage of the fast travel system. You can walk everywhere if you want. And don't forget, you still have to find the wayshrine to use it.

    Personally, I've been avoiding non-immersive fast travel devices in the TES series for years. Instead, I rely upon walking, riding, or a mod with an immersive travel system. So the only time I use wayshrines in ESO is when I'm crafting armor and I need to go to another zone across the map to make four items or something.

    But I wouldn't insist that everyone be forced to play the game my way.

    Valar Morghulis.

    Someday I'm going to put a sword through your eye and out the back of your skull. Arya Stark

    You're going to die tomorrow, Lord Bolton. Sleep well. Sansa Stark

    If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor. Desmond Tutu
  • ItsMeToo
    Walk... don't run... don't ride... don't use way shrines.
    FYI - There is no such thing as 'night capping' in a world wide MMO.
    FYI - There was no paid Beta. When they launched the game the Beta was over, even if you don't think it was.
    FYI - It's B2P not F2P. There is a difference.
    FYI - It doesn't take any player skill to mash keys or buttons in this game. The ones that stay alive longer have the better internet connection and speed.
    FYI - The game is not broken, it still works. It just has 'bugs' that need to be fixed.
    Balance is a "Bad" thing.

    Example: There were hundreds of Jedi and only two Sith in Star Wars. The Jedi wanted, "Balance in the Force" and they got it. Now there are only two Jedi and two Sith.

    Balance is a "Bad" thing.
    Is the glass half full or half empty?
    I say, "Get a smaller glass."
  • ADarklore
    Just another of those, "because it's there I feel COMPELLED to use them because I have absolutely no self-control" threads. :s
    CP: 1965 ** ESO+ Gold Road ** ~~ Stamina Arcanist ~~ Magicka Warden ~~ Magicka Templar ~~ ***** Strictly a solo PvE quester *****
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