I don't mean it in the sense of - The enemies die fast and it's easy to level up. I mean it in the sense of - It's really easy to get around everywhere, no challenges and nothing to figure out. After I hit VR 1 (with the new update) I can just take a wayshrine wherever and go anywhere without any trouble. My horse is fast and nowhere do I have to do something special to get to a place or an objective. There's no putting effort in things, figuring how to get to places or how to do things. Everything is really simple and plain. For instance, In WoW, if you are a low level and want to get from Stormwind to Loch modan you have go to the train station in stormwind, take the train to ironforge, walk from Iron forge downhill, take a left and follow the road until you get to Loch Modan. It might seem annoying but in my opinion, it's part of the fun.Another point, not completely related to the topic - There are no hidden things or missions in the game. There are no easter eggs or special things you can do to get say, a special item or mount. There's no real point to the post cause these issues can't be taken care of since the game already launched... two years ago. Sry