Since we know about removal of veteran ranks and upgrade level of old sets, some old sets will become more preferable. Most usefull set from old dropped sets is Warlock, the reason behind it - it not just have very strong 5pc bonucs but also have all armor and jewel parts. And after sets improvement this one will be even more usefull. I believe other sets should not go into oblivion and must became same usefull as Warlock/Worm, so there is some suggestions:
1. Same as happened with new sets in Update 9: all old dropped sets must get all armor and jewel parts and probably weapon parts to increase its sets combo diversity(as it happened with Worm).
2. Syrabane's Grip - main reason why it unused is coz it don't have necklace part so it can't be used with 5 heavy armor pieces. However a. set not proccing on damage shields and light armor users must evade damage at all costs, b. CP system granting light armor users enough magicka sustain, c. proc only while blocking; so this set useless for light armor users. Adding necklace part will allow to use it for heavy armor users to increase their magicka sustain and will serve role of alternate Warlock version. However i think we should get rid of blocking aspect since perma-blocking is what combat team trying to get rid of, maybe this set can get completely new bonus from below.
3. Akatosh's Blessed Armor - Another very underrated set. GCD and low set combos diversity is what making it bad. Like Fasalla is Durok's improved version without GCD and much more usefull, Akatosh Armor must get rid of GCD too and instead apply CD on each affected target: right now if you hitted by 2 enemies sets will proc on one enemy and will go to CD, so 5pc bonus not working for more than 1 enemy; it should apply blind on 1st enemy, go on CD for him, apply blind on 2nd enemy, go CD for him. So set bonus will work no matter how many enemies will be around like Spectre Eye set.
Another small improvement: since we know that glass style is style devoted to Akatosh and we could see it was weared by its champion, Akatosh's Blessed Armor set's style must be changed from Nord to Glass.
4. Nikula's Heavy Armor - 25% magicka reflection proc is low even when heavily outnumbered. However increasing it may make set too powerfull and with fact that half of players in pvp play stamina builds: this set should have 25% chance to reflect all projectiles to be effective as heavy armor.(Make yourself feel like DK)
5. Lord's Mail/Stendarr's Embrace - GCD must be removed from set. Purge with long GCD is just too weak for 5pc bonus.
6. Juggernaut - this is HP version of Warlock, however in pvp it have 50% hp reduction that make it much worse. Battle Spirit must not affect this set.
7. Soulshine - 5pc bonus works only for several spell under channeling/casting category, so spell power bonus must be much higher than ordinary bonuses from sets like Kagrenac(that have two bonuses in 5pc). Also style could be changed to dro-m'athra.
8. Unassailable - a. proc only when blocking b. armor is what you need less when you blocking, so 5pc bonus could be changed from one below.
5pc new Bonuses that could be applied for old/new sets:
Since we have enough sets for magicka sustain:
1. Restore some amount of stamina when below 33% every 1 min - stamina version of Warlock.
2. Recover amount of Stamina when activating an Ultimate ability - stamina version of Shrouded Armor.(it could be used for Unassailable)
3. Restore Stamina when not moving - something like Shadow Walker, but without restoring 2 resources and dont require to sneak.
Edited by Cinbri on March 28, 2016 8:07AM