Characters Stuck in Grahtwood

Me and a few guildmates can't log in to characters that we logged out with in Grahtwood. it will take us to the loading screen then kick us out to beginning ESO title screen. This is a really annoying bug that I hope someone out there notices cuz not being able to play one of my characters sucks
Lara Dorren - Breton Templar
Morzann - High Elf Nightblade
Orik - Nord Dragonknight
Oromis - High Elf Sorcerer
Ellaria Sand - Redguard Sorcerer
Solara - Dark Elf Dragonknight
N'guvu Mojeda - Khajiit Sorcerer
Lady Pakura - Dark Elf Dragonknight
Solembum - Khajiit Drafonknight
PSN - KuruptGamer
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